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SS Silv

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I know this is my second post this week of my aquarium, but I bought some new additions. I can't explain how fun this hobby is, and how expensive it can be. Yesterday I bought 25 pounds of, live rock, an emerald crab, a pepermint shrimp, and changed the crushed coral to sand. I think I spent an hour rearanging the live rock to get it to look good, I still plan on adding 20 more pounds before I start to add coral. Also, in the next few weeks I will be adding some more fish, I am still trying to decide what I want




One of the rocks I bought had a mushroom coral on it.


The emerald crab, this little guy is pimp. He immediatly started eating away after I put him in the tank.



Tomato Clown fish that came with the tank, he is a little bastard always chasing my damsel around, I will be getting rid of him and trading him for 2 baby clownfish like nemo.


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Those emerald crabs are a really good addition to the clean up crew. How many peppermints do you have? They are pretty good when they are in groups they do the "harlem shake" (move side to side together" . Looks great man keep me updated :)

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i love aquarium's. when i was little we had a nice 55 gallon tank, but all we kept was gold fish. now that i am older i want one like that.. have a question though, how much weight can the bottom hold? with so many pounds of rock wouldnt it crack? want to know so wheni get mine going. looks good and keep us posted...

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i love aquarium's. when i was little we had a nice 55 gallon tank, but all we kept was gold fish. now that i am older i want one like that.. have a question though, how much weight can the bottom hold? with so many pounds of rock wouldnt it crack? want to know so wheni get mine going. looks good and keep us posted...


It's not really the bottom of the tank you have to worry about, it is the stand and if you have the aquarium in the upstairs of you house. A 55 isn't so bad, but I would make sure you have the tank sitting on at least 3 trusses. I know people who have 90 gallon tanks in their upstairs :nono:

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Haha, I got the tank, filter, skimmer, 2 power heads, good lighting, stand, heater, test kit, chemicals etc. for 300$, yes it was a frickin' steel. The other stuff that I bought, live rock, sand, crabs, snails, shrimp, better powerheads, maybe another 300$. So not to bad. If you would go to a store and buy EVERYTHING it would be 1,500+.

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