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Ok, so I was stopped at a light and I got rear-ended by a chick driving a POS Ford Escort wagon! It was raining/hailing outside so I couldn't make an accurate assessment of the damage, but it appears the shock absorbers behind the rear bumper did their job and the only "damage" my baby sustained was some paint scuffing at the bottom of the bumper. Obviously tomorrow when I get a chance I'm going to post pics of it and look at it more closely, but my main concern it what to do about it if the damage doesn't look any more severe in clear weather than it did today in the rain? I mean, do I just tell the chick and her husband no harm, no foul and just buff out that scratches? Or do I take it my local Chevy dealer for a complete damage assessment/repair estimate and go after these people through my insurance company?

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see what the damage done actually is. After you access the situation with the damage talk to the girl who hit you and see how they want to proceed. Since it is her fault, either she can pay for the fix or you can go through insurance and let her company take care of the costs. I would never just brush anything off. Even if its scratched up a new paint job to the bumper is still a few hundred most likely. This gives the other side the option of paying out of pocket or not.

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see what the damage done actually is. After you access the situation with the damage talk to the girl who hit you and see how they want to proceed. Since it is her fault, either she can pay for the fix or you can go through insurance and let her company take care of the costs. I would never just brush anything off. Even if its scratched up a new paint job to the bumper is still a few hundred most likely. This gives the other side the option of paying out of pocket or not.


Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking, because I really don't like the thought of possibly screwing these people over (i.e. making an insurance claim that will jack up their rates). Guess I'll just have to head to Colonial Chevy after work tomorrow!

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yeah dont let them off scott free get you bumper painted for sure but i bet when you look closer the bumper is pushed closer to the bed hopefully not but i backed into my house and bent my back bumper i straightened it out and had it painted it worked out good i had the black plastic on the back bumper painted too it looks awesome.


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Even if it is just scuffed paint, make them pay for it. There might be more damage than you can see. I would get it assessed by the dealer and maybe a few body shops. Good luck.................. :chevy:

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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see what the damage done actually is. After you access the situation with the damage talk to the girl who hit you and see how they want to proceed. Since it is her fault, either she can pay for the fix or you can go through insurance and let her company take care of the costs. I would never just brush anything off. Even if its scratched up a new paint job to the bumper is still a few hundred most likely. This gives the other side the option of paying out of pocket or not.


Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking, because I really don't like the thought of possibly screwing these people over (i.e. making an insurance claim that will jack up their rates). Guess I'll just have to head to Colonial Chevy after work tomorrow!



I don't know how your state laws are but here in the great state of Illinois if you don't have an accident report from the scene then you didn't have an accident according to the state, my friend found out the hard way! :banghead:

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