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Past Hobby


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Here is what I used to tinker with a few years ago. Mini Hot Rod Pulling Tractor. The guy standing there is my brother-in-law, owner and driver. I was basically the mechanic and support crew for him. Has a 406, built Powerglide and a rear end out of a 50's model Heavy Duty Chevy dump truck...I believe the last set of gears were a high 5 low 6 something ratio, I dont remember. I built the motor for my 88 S-10 2 door 2 wheel drive Blazer when i was 15 and 16 years old....damn near killed myself, put the Blazer back to stock and sold him the motor. It was hell of alot of fun, but it was a hell of a money pit. Its a dying sport. Used to be big many years ago, and we attempted to bring it back to this area and started an association, but ran out of money and interested folks, so it busted. But its still a recognized class in the ATPA(American Tractor Pullers Association) that travels all over the US.....anyway...Im rambling, and jus thought Id share. I was pretty proud of at the time considering i was just..17,18 years old.



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