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What happened to Big O's SS

Big O

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When the little man was born we couldn't find a babysitter with a crap ... so we decided to let mom stay home and quit her job ... She had a new honda civic and I had the 04 SS ... on the 4th of July we decided to trade them both off on the TBSS. Saved us a ton on payments and she is able to control the TBSS way better then the SSS. We are sitting on teh TBSS for 400 a month and no interest. It worked out good. Although I would trade it off in a heart beat if I could get my truck back :shakehead:


In hind sight it was the best for the whole family. I managed to make sure that little O got his first car ride in the Silverado Super Sport straight out of hte hospital though :driving: So the seed is already planted.

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Nice work Big O, he's a cutie :thumbs:



Ahhh ...the joys of parenthood


They are a lot of work and a lot of fun especially when they're little.

I wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world.


The teenage years is a whole different story :banghead:


Then grandbabies, full circle :D

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Then grandbabies, full circle :D
At least you can give them back. That's what my parents do with my kids. Spoil them, get them all hopped up on sugar, goofballs, whatever else is around, then hand them back. :crackup:


Grandbabies are the reward for not killing your own kids yes.gif

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