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The West Virginia state trooper


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> Two men were driving through West Virginia when they got pulled

> >>>> over by a State Trooper. The cop walked up and tapped on the

> >>>> window with his nightstick. The driver rolled down the window and

> >>>> WHACK, the cop smacked him in the head with his nightstick.

> >>>>

> >>>> "What the hell was that for?" the driver asked.

> >>>>

> >>>> "You're in West Virginia, son," the trooper answered. "When we

> >>>> pull you over in West Virginia, you better have your license

> >>>> ready by the time we get to your car."

> >>>>

> >>>> "I'm sorry, officer," the driver said, "I'm not from around

> >>>> here."

> >>>>

> >>>> The trooper runs a check on the guy's license--he's clean and

> >>>> gives the guy his license back. The trooper then walks around to

> >>>> the passenger side and taps on the window. The passenger rolls

> >>>> down the window and "WHACK", the trooper smacks him on the head

> >>>> with the nightstick.

> >>>>

> >>>> "What'd you do that for?" the passenger demands.

> >>>>

> >>>> "Just making your wish come true," replied the trooper.

> >>>>

> >>>> "Making WHAT wish come true?" the passenger asked.

> >>>>

> >>>> "Because I know your type." the trooper says, "Two miles down the

> >>>> road you're gonna turn to your buddy and say, 'I wish that

> >>>> **** would've tried that shit with me.'"

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