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What kind of horsepower gains for headers?


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any one have any et gains after they did headers...






Sure do.


Way back when, I had a CAI, 160 Thermo and ran it at the track and did a 15.2XX. That week I did ASM headders, X-pipe, dual Flowmaster 40 series all in 2.5". I ran that weekend and improved to a 14.8 under the relatively same weather conditions. After a cam, 3000 stall and lots of tuning, that set-up did a high 13.

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son!, guess i should've done headers. I could get a whole asm set up, bolt right on for like 700 used, but i kind of like the supermax. Looks like they both get great et gains. I've got my TEA heads and cam breathing through stock manifolds and cats right now, so i would think the headers might even show a better et drop for me. I think restalling my PI converter is next though.


Thanks much guys!




edit: Krambo, just looked closer at your sig. Do you have the 9.5" vig or the 10.5"? I have the 10.5 and the thing is tight as hell, stalls at like 22-2400, so i'm thinking of pulling it and getting the 9.5", but chuck (flt) doesn't recommend them for the weight of our trucks. Here is quote from the PI guy I'm working with "We don't have a max vehicle weight per say on making a converter selection, we look at the whole picture. Of course getting into the 5k to 5500k range is pushing it."

Edited by shadowsniper3006 (see edit history)
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