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Has any radix guys put a fan behind the intercooler,

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If so what fan or fans did you use and how did you mount them? I plan on doing this in April or May when the track opens up. I know dcairns did this but he did it with an upgraded intercooler. I used the Joe Gibbs brackets to relocate my intercooler to the fron bumper now I want to put some fans behind it to pull in more air so it will cool down quicker. If anybody has done this with the stock intercooler please let me know what fans you used and how you installed them.

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You could buy some small trans cooler with fans and use the small fans for your intercooler



I was hoping someone did the same thing dcairns did except with the stock intercooler. I'll probably measure and see what fans I can put behind the intercooler, unless sombody knows what fans will fit.

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that and you could install some w/s washer squirters in front of the intercooler, and possibly spray some alcohol, or just water onto the cooler to help cool it down. The alcohol may be a bad idea because of how flamable it is, but it can get reasonably cold if it has air moving around it. :dunno:


but i guess if you're gonna mounc electric fans you probably wouldn't want a whole bunch of water/alcohol all over them. I dunno... I'm now starting to ramble on and on, so i'll shut up now :)

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that and you could install some w/s washer squirters in front of the intercooler, and possibly spray some alcohol, or just water onto the cooler to help cool it down. The alcohol may be a bad idea because of how flamable it is, but it can get reasonably cold if it has air moving around it. :dunno:

I have thought of that untill someone told me the track will not let you run if you are dripping?? dont know the rules but you should check so that youcan run @ the track.

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Have you tried browsing the fan department at Summit? Measure your intercooler and look around. Even if the available fans are bigger than the intercooler, you can block the part of the fan that extends beyond the intercooler to keep it pulling (or pushing) the air through rather than around the intercooler. A pair of fans will make a noticable difference in the time it takes to cool down the coolant after a full throttle run.


Here is a 7" fan



Perma Cool 8"


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just measure the size of the interocooler and order a fan for that size from summit or jegs. i have almost the same exact thing dcairns does with the dual fans on a fluidyne and it works well.


This is what I plan to do.


Have you tried browsing the fan department at Summit? Measure your intercooler and look around. Even if the available fans are bigger than the intercooler, you can block the part of the fan that extends beyond the intercooler to keep it pulling (or pushing) the air through rather than around the intercooler. A pair of fans will make a noticable difference in the time it takes to cool down the coolant after a full throttle run.


Here is a 7" fan



Perma Cool 8"



Thanks for the links dcairns. I'll check those fans out. I'll have to figure out a way to mounts the fans. Should be a fun project.


Edited by SSThunder (see edit history)
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i would try to mount them as puller rather then pusher fans . they will be more efficient this way. as for the alchohol spray thats a big :nono: . when your using an air to water intercooler the best way to coool down your water is an ice box/reservoir. i have one of there and also a spray bar with nitrous to cool the heat excahnger down and i can say that the cpray bars are better for air to air. the ice box though it will cool you intake ait temps far below ambient temps. i have a 3 gallon cell in the place of my old battery and i filled it half full just to see what i could get the iat's down too and it almost went 10 degrees below ambient. with it full it would do even better and last longer. one run down the track and all the ice will be gone.

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