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Im pist off!!!!!


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Ok here is the issue...I know I havent been on here much lately...but if you guys recall what happened to me back in dec..I hit the curb and bent my wheel...ok I finally got my wheel back 2 days ago..and these sons...of...b**c**s...gave me the wrong center cap...Im like wtf.....all this time and you still mess up the order...F**K!!!!

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it really kills me to say this but i actually feel chubs pain. ive been without 2 of my wheels since jan. 7th. although i wasnt drinking and driving when i hit the curb just blinded by my own stupidity. bright side is i got to see what shorter tires and lighter wheels are like! :driving:

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nobody cares.....

:crackup: Oh well that does suck but I have some good news I just hit 800 post :driving:

:crackup: well congrats on 800 maybe some day ill see 1000 sucks about the rim tho the curbs just seem to come outa nowhere




I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance :jester:




stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night :D



KARMA she is a ruthless B#&ch

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