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I suspect something


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I have slight suspicion that my girl is doing things behind my back. I don't know why but I do. Sometimes there are some inconsistencies with her stories and stuff so i don't know what to make of it. Truthfully i can't see her really doing it but I also cannot help these thoughts and all my life the only thing I know to trust is my instinct and its telling me something yet i can't put my finger on it. I just don't know what to do. For instance i don't know if she really went out Thursday night with her girlfriend like she said she did, I just suspect something.

Another thing is that Friday she didn't want to do the nasty because maybe she had her fill Thursday night with someone else when she was supposedly out and about with her girlfriend (and no she's not dyking it out, that would be awesome though).

We've been together a year and stuff and we used to have sex a lot but now we do less (it may be just a quality over quantity issue because it has gotten much better than when we first met), sorry for the details but I just wonder if she's getting it somewhere else. What advice do you have? Has this ever happened to you? Please tell. Anything. In time of need I've come to you all, my appreciation goes beyond words.

ES :flag:

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I really don't know what to tell you there. everybody seems to loose the sex everyday thing after a period of time. I don't really have any rel good advice to say if your suspicions are right or not, but i'de say if you feel that way and her attitudes have changed, you should be on the look out. Hope it works out man, good luck.

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Sounds like an insecurity problem to me. It's hard to trust people in this world, but you have to to some extent until proven otherwise. Just because she doesn't want to have sex every day is nothing. Relationships change over time and sex becomes less important especially to women. Sometimes women just want to spend time with their girlfriends just like guys like to spend time with their friends. It doesn't mean they're cheating. Even people in love need a break from each other once in a while. Don't be blinded by love, but don't suspect her every minute she's not with you. That will ruin the relationship for both of you quickly.


Keep your eyes open and make the time you do spend together the best that you can. If it works out, great! If not, move on. Good luck

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Me...I am 40...had a'colorful, lifestyle' for 7 years before I was married...Have been unmarried the last three...Never cheated on my spouse, although I could have, just not cool to cheat i.m.h.o.

What it comes down to...If you love her, and she loves you...Just ask, Don't be confrontational...Just concerned...Women pick up on that...Hell you might not like what you may hear and may hurt like hell too if it is not what you want to hear...But the truth is what matters...

Acting distrustful is a huge turnoff for anyone...You might even push her away...

Either way, communication is key...Whith out communication/truth, it is all crap anyhow, just going through the motions...The truth always comes out in the end...And YOU will be fine, stay positive as much as you can, and you will attract positive...Either way, YOU will be a better man...and attract the samer in a partner...

just my 2 cents...Just pay it forward, been there done that...and the t-shirt was too expensive...lol

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Instincts are usually right on IMO. You can not judge her over sex though my wife and I when we first met was like 3-4 times EVERY day until our daughter was born now its like 3-4 times every 3-4 months..lol (oh well). If she is telling you she is going out with the girls ask where and happen to show up unseen ofcourse and check her story and if you do not see her say a friend of yours was there all night and did not see her there and see what she has to say.

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man you guys are the physcho stocker type. :jester:


Live your own life, quit trying to second-guess someone else. I agree with Quik, gut feelings should not be ignored but then again don't jump to conclusions either. I would gently broach the subject by telling her the two of you haven't really had a good talk in a long time and that you really want to know if she's happy.


Mr. P.

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out and about with her girlfriend (and no she's not dyking it out, that would be awesome though).


so if she is "dyking it out" that would be ok... bud cheating is cheating...... your relationship is headed for the crapper with an attitude like that...


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out and about with her girlfriend (and no she's not dyking it out, that would be awesome though).


so if she is "dyking it out" that would be ok... bud cheating is cheating...... your relationship is headed for the crapper with an attitude like that...


i was really just kidding about that, it would really weird me out. The thing is it's not about just our sex life, i know about the whole it getting to become less sex later in a relationship and i also don't suspect something everytime she's with her girlfriends. It's just that when she does go out with "the girls" her stories can sometimes be very inconsistent and i can't help but to notice those defects in when she tells me about the night's events. I just don't know, i definitely hear all of you. Thanks for the advice,

i'm just going to ride it out and see what happens, if she is up to something then she'll be dropped like a lead weight and if she isn't, then she isn't, i stay with her and as always be faithful and beyond happy. Keep threading your thoughts, it's really a big help. And as it being an insecurity in myself, i've gone over that thought already a lot and i've considered it being a viable problem here i just need to continue reflecting on that and observing myself. That's why i'm just going to do my thing and not worry about her because if not it'll be self-destructive for me as well as corrosive to our relationship. I'll keep everyone updated. Just keep on with your advice, if you guys think of anything let me know. As far as the tracking thing, I know a lot of people who are professionals in the right trades who owe me favors, i've considered it but i think it's a little too far.

THanks again and keep posting, you guys sure have given me a lot of support.

ES :flag:

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Another thing, the way you guys just tell me how it is without the sugar coating really shows me how truthful all of you are. Instead just blaming her and all, you guys have also taken critical criticism on me to show me that i could in fact be the problem here and have showed me that there are certain things that i just don't need to look so hard at when it comes to what she's doing but rather to look at myself when i get these thoughts to see if my suspicions are really legitimate. You guys are great and no words serve justice to describe my appreciation for your honesty and bluntness, nothing could be better for me right now.

:chevy: Brothers with Bowties :chevy:

ES :flag:

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hate to say it but if your gut is telling you something is up, something prob is. If there was no real reason to dis trust her before but now you are having thoughts that means something is off somewhere. I was in the same situation, dating a girl for 1.5yrs and everything seemed great till little things didnt add up. I took the route of confronting her and got an ear full. Turns out I was right all along and she got kicked to the curb after a little payback. Hopefully this isnt the case for you but it sounds awfully close to the situation I was in. Hope it turns out for the best but you never know.

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