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I suspect something


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First off not all women are the same and from the follow post you'll see I've had it with the bullshit. But i'm just calling it like I've seen it. I'f you can sense your old lady is thinking the grass is greener on the other side then let her check it out...give her enough rope so the ***** can hang herself. Check it out....When I got married I said I would never cheat and never did. I was succesfull with that because I never but my self in that position. IMO woman don't have any place in a bar or a club (meat market) without her partner if she's married or in a serious relationship. Reason (1) Women are attention whores by nature (some more then most) thats why they paint there face, get thin and buy bolt-ons etc..(2) They want to feel sexy and admired.They love the whole cat and mouse game...women make I contact , men approach then THEY have the choice to continue or not. Guy's have you ever heard the phrase "He came up to me, It wasn't my fault"....LOL....Bullshit women are playing us from the time they pick you out uf the crowd. There game face (make-up), reveling outfit (sluty atire), flinging hair (everything but sticking ass in the air) the whole bit is advertiseing. "Just going out to have fun with the girls!!!!!" LOL :icon_bs:

I might go to the bar and get the looks but If I dont approach then that's as far as it goes. Maybe I'm old fashion but I think "If quacks like a duck and walks like a duck........"

As you can probably tell I was burned pretty bad. I was like you 06redss never cheated was a gentlemen took care of my shit and It didnt matter. Except with my kids were involved. It sucked royally. You did the right thing bro....she took you for granted. Now someone else can foot the Bill for the Bch. And as for you jumping to conclusions Nahhh... you just nipped it in the butt. She would have swayed sooner or later your heart told you whats up!!

I should also tell you that I did discuss this with her and she blamed it on her freinds and said she was selfish. I said what your a shellfish :crackup: ....you got that right! She wanted to do her thing undetected and make my home life unbarable so I would leave her. Woman are scanless dude. MY .02

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NoNoNo their not 'friends', they just ran into eachother a few times (Both used to be on the Fire Dept.,) and he was always calling her trying to get back together. They never hung out. But she hates him pretty much, he was one of those guys who treats their G/F's like complete shit and cheated on them and you wonder why they still dated. Plus all that was a few months ago. Trust me, I keep both eyes and ears very very open. Since all that they've gone their seperate ways, and shes deffinately in fear of talking to him, cause she knows Ill kick her to the curb if she does, and she knows its not worth it, shes 500 times happier with me. I know it sounds like Im a control freak, which Im not, her ex is the only person I dont want her talking to, but damn you can't be too sure! Everythings worked out good tho.



I wasn't really speaking to your individual situation, just the scenario in general. And by that I mean they want to hang out as "friends", but all three of you know he's still got the hots for her. It's a bad idea to let that happen, too easy for her to get caught up in the attention and his pursuing her. Everything always looks better after the fact, relationships too. Grass is greener, and all that. I've been burned too, and watch everything. That's where it gets crazy, checking cell phone records, looking at texts, driving by on your nights apart...you can get sicko fast. I wish the world and people were not that way. I am glad ES cut the cord and is not looking back. It's better in the long run.

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i also now know after the fact that 6-8months ago she was still seeing ( by that i mean screwing) her ex behind my back. and my instinct is never wrong so there's nothing left to question


No shit?!! How did you find out?


Shit like that is why I cant stand my G/F's talking to their ex'es. Its simple, they were together for a long time, so you never know whats up, you know? The girl Ive been dating now for 5 months (everythings really good) screwed up a few times in the begining by talking to her ex, and after a few swift arguements she was crying and freaking out. It gets me pissed cause A. Im defensive about her B. Her ex was trying to get back with her, i dont care wtf she says (i know her ex, hes a complete queer, and drives a Ford Ranger)...and C. They dated for 2 years, so in my book you cant be too carefull about shit like that, even if he does have a new g/f.




And the idea most women have that men are asses and cheaters? They have no room to talk. :yellow_loser:


let me just tell you something, if she's still crying over the ex and talking to him BEWARE! that is the same situation with me, she had an ex of 2 years etc etc yes he's a loser and etc. etc. but hell she sure wasn't done with him. what you just told me was like you telling me my own story. she should have the strength to cut him off completely BEWARE ... beware...

ES :flag:

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NoNoNo their not 'friends', they just ran into eachother a few times (Both used to be on the Fire Dept.,) and he was always calling her trying to get back together. They never hung out. But she hates him pretty much, he was one of those guys who treats their G/F's like complete shit and cheated on them and you wonder why they still dated. Plus all that was a few months ago. Trust me, I keep both eyes and ears very very open. Since all that they've gone their seperate ways, and shes deffinately in fear of talking to him, cause she knows Ill kick her to the curb if she does, and she knows its not worth it, shes 500 times happier with me. I know it sounds like Im a control freak, which Im not, her ex is the only person I dont want her talking to, but damn you can't be too sure! Everythings worked out good tho.

only a few months ago after 2 years? buddy, you better watch your ass. that's the same thing i used to tell myself word for word. why? because i was in denial, i know this isn't what you want to hear but just be careful.

ES :flag:

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but hey, back to the topic, what does everyone think of my update from today on page 3? (it's the long post)


another update: she's been calling around asking and everything. crying to her friends and saying that she's been crying all day etc. and guess what. i don't give a rat's ass. I feel that if she wasn't guilty of something then she wouldn't be trying to call me so desperately. If she wasn't guilty of anything (as she claims) then she would've been so offended by my actions that she would've never cared to talk to me again. she's just totaled her losses and is beginning to regret....BIG time. :cool:

stay tuned for more

ES :flag:

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Today's Update:


Last night she texted me again saying "i just want you to know. I did NOT ever cheat on you. Goodnight" well, i'm an expert lie detector (i've read many books on the topic) and with her i never caught her b/c i was in pure denial. Anyway, when someone uses something like DID NOT instead of DIDN"T or HAVE NOT instead of HAVEN"T or anything like that for that matter it's an indication of a lie. From the psychology aspect of a liar, a liar is not telling, they're convincing (trying to convince who they're lying to as well as themselves), so sub-consciously they put emphasis on words such as saying "I DID NOT cheat on you" a less guilty person would be more casual and just use the contraction and say "i DIDN"T cheat on you"

Just a fun lie detection fact for everyone to enjoy.

She also called me again from a private number (dumbass thinks i don't know its her)


Anyway she's also pleaded in text messages wanting closure and to talk and everything. the only person here who deserves closure is me and i don't want it so she sure as hell isn't going to get it either. So yesterday and today she's been calling everyone she knows that knows me to find out whatever she can (how i found out, what i know etc.) and no-one really knows how i found out anyway (i keep my practices only to myself and with very few confidantes i have) so no-one really has answers for her anyway. yesterday i pulled the carpet from under her and left her on her ass, belly up. She has no leg to stand on and even if she did she has no ground to stand on either. I closed her world in on her and she has no idea what to do, she's crawling in her own skin and is trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get whatever she can and you know what? i took that barrel away too. she has nothing


So she's just squirming right now and beyond desperation. Today i will say it does hurt at moments, other moments, i'm happy it's over and that no-one's hurting me anymore but the hurtful moments really suck, it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. But you know what? today is just the first day after it all, and you know what else? tomorrow is another day and the sun will rise just the same. So if you ask me "how's it going" my answer is simply "it's goin!" I'm movin on and this weekend i have plans with a really nice girl ( i'm not pursuing anything as it is WAY too soon but she's a friend so we'll have a nice time) and i'm going to have fun. I know she (the ex) will be passing by my house to see if my truck is outside and i won't let her have the pleasure of seeing that i'm home on a fri and sat night.


I never hit her, cheated on her, abused her (phsyically or verbally), insulted her (even when i broke up with her i didn't call her a whore, bitch or slut but believe me i wanted to but i'm a gentleman so i didn't), i gave her the best of the best and we always ate the best of the best food so you know what? I don't regret a thing, i never wronged her in any way and there's nothing i could've done different for this not to happen, none of it is my fault and i didn't deserve it so my conscience is clear. I may have been the one betrayed, had my heart broken, and lost A LOT of money ( i'm talkin well over 10 G's, yes i know i'm crazy, will never do that again) but tomorrow i wake up, and the next morning i wake up and the morning after that for the rest of my life i wake up and i'm not her nor with her conscience. Today i'm at work as well as the next day and so on and guess what, the money? i'll make it back. So i didn't lose anything i can't replace ( yes i lost the time but i don't see it as lost because i learned so much). She's the one that lost, BIG. and what did she lose? ME, the best she'll ever get. period

I'll keep everyone updated

ES :flag:


here's the :repost: from earlier today

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I sold my ex's pics online! Adult amature sites pay well :thumbsup:



And just to add, good Job man. It took me five years and actually walking in on my ex to know what was going on. Came home from work early one day and that was that. Dropped her on her a$$, took her car, cleaned out the accounts and that was the end of it. She was crying, trying to blame it all on me...WTF? because I worked 50+ hours per week? Because I put the money on the table? WTF? Good job man. Its almost two years later and I refuse to seriously date someone because I'm not going through that again. I even moved to another state on a job promotion. Got a nice place, sold her car, bought my SSS she didnt want me to have when we were dating (she made me get an avalance). Buh bye...

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I dont understand why a chick would dump a good catch for a loser. Happened to me, 8years together, bought a house 3brdm/2bath, bought her a brand new car, fancy dinning, vacations, ect. She leaves me and marries a singer of a warehouse band thats day job is a security guard. They struggle to afford an appartment. Same thing happened when I was younger (19) had a 3 years relationship with a girl that thought it was better to go clubbing in miami then spend time with me. Guess what? She calls me every 6 months or so to say "Why did we ever break up" , she see's now that I have a good job a house and nice stuff. Hmmm.... Big mistake. But, I am just to nice I guess, should treat them like shit, thats what they left me to goto. go figure?


Later & good luck understanding women

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good for you bro. but don't be afraid of another person who will love you, there are good women out there, don't let your ex make you afraid of the world


"People don't kill people, Husbands who come home early from work do"

-Larry the Cable Guy

ES :flag:

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only a few months ago after 2 years? buddy, you better watch your ass. that's the same thing i used to tell myself word for word. why? because i was in denial, i know this isn't what you want to hear but just be careful.


Nah man, they broke up a good 10-11 months ago, they dated for 2 years. I got back July 1, they broke up in March, we've been dating since Oct.


Trust me, I have it under control lol. My ears and eyes are very peeled. Shes one of the very few gorgeous country girls in a hick town, so I have to. Every douche bag wanna be redneck around here would love to have their chance (no offence anyone, Im country myself). They dont fck with me tho, I guess having been deployed in Iraq for a year makes everyone afraid of you :dunno::devil:

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"People don't kill people, Husbands who come home early from work do"

-Larry the Cable Guy

ES :flag:






I guess having been deployed in Iraq for a year makes everyone afraid of you :dunno::devil:


Yeah, I guess that would. They avoid me due to the amount of gun activity, carrying various weapons to and from my truck (like my M4 + 12ga)

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Luaderdale you mad man :lol:


But, I am just to nice I guess, should treat them like shit, thats what they left me to goto. go figure?


Cant agree more, I had enough of that back in the highschool days. The average hot chick dateing some guy that treats her like garbage, yet puts up with it for months and years on end. Some of them are still together. But a daytime security guard? Look at the bright side, atleast she's living in misery and cant hardly pay off her place with some basement singer/mall guard!


The really Ironic/weird/crazy thing is I dated my current G/F's older sister back senior year in highschool (roughly 3 years ago, my current G/F was just starting to date that queer I mentioned earlier), and she had also just got out of a long relationship, and she dumped me for her ex, their still together and he still treats her like garbage. Now shes all jealous Im spoiling her sister. That whole ordeal really made me think twice about dating my current G/F, but their so different its like night and day. But yeah, weird.

Edited by SchmidDaddY (see edit history)
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