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some police facts?


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ok so just about 30 minuits ago i was racing one of my friends and a guy ran out waving his arms now i dont know if he even got our lisence plates but he probly called the cops what could they do to me can they do anything need info!!! :shakehead:

Edited by petedylancash912 (see edit history)
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ok so just about 30 minuits ago i was racing one of my friends and a guy ran out waving his arms now i dont know if he even got our lisence plates but he probly called the cops what could they do to me can they do anything need info!!! :shakehead:


When? Where? Who? Wasn't me. No idea what you are talking about.

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Was it a residential street? 23109(Exhibition of speed) I would think a on duty officer would have to witness it. I wouldnt stress, You probably good. That dude was probaly sick of people speeding up that block. I have kids so I know the feeling. In fact my best friends nephew was hit by a Diesel and was killed on impact recently. It took rescures 30 min using airbags to lift the truck to get him out. Could you imagine? Kid wasnt even a teenager yet and he is gone. Please dont speed around residentail neighborhoods...Go to the track or find a industral area!!! My .02.

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Actually, if he got your license plate number and can identify YOU as the driver, and is willing to press charges, you will get a ticket. It will hold up in court if he is a credible witness.


Quit racing where there are people around who can run out in front of you. The setting sounds less than ideal. I have run out in front of some A-hole flooring his hopped up diesel truck down my street before. I woulda kicked his trash if he'd have stopped. My kids were riding their bikes down the sidewalk at the time. I was pissed.


So use your head...please.



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He cant do shit - he cant prove shit, and a cop didnt see it. If so I could randomly pick out some person, get their license plate, call the cops and say they were racing and get them a ticket, for doing absolutely nothing.



Back in High school I passed some lady in a minivan, she was going 35 in a 55 and I was late so i passed her. She got my plate #, perfect description of my old truck, and called the cops. I got called to the office, they (police and principal) asked if bla bla bla was my plate numbers and was it a black F150 w/ tool box lift/tires ect, I said yes, they said some lady called us because she said you passed her in a no passing zone, her and her 2 kids saw it. I denied it and they didnt do shit, because they couldnt, no proof, no officer to whitness it.


Dont stress it, if cops show up at your door just deny it, no proof. But yea try not to race in any residentual areas, too many dangers: kids, dogs, people walking, toys ect. You hit a kid and Bubba's gonna make taking a shit much easier. I go for the straight flat country roads or the highway.

Edited by SchmidDaddY (see edit history)
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Hopefully I’m not too late, but here goes, the police have already been called and you are a wanted person! As a matter of fact I have to type very softly cause me just typing to you could cost me my job, but I’ll try to help. Your license number has already been entered into the nationwide database of known “street racers”. A picture of your SS as well as a picture of YOU is being transmitted to ALL police agencies, even Barney has it! More and more police cars are being equipped with in-car computers so they have the info immediately so I’d recommend you park your SS in a well shielded garage and if you don’t have a well shielded garage then at least rip off the On-Star antenna, if you have one, so they can’t track you. Then to be on the safe side, I know you’d like to be on the SAFE side, I’d find the “black box” and rip it out, so if they do arrest you they won’t have the data to use against you in court. I would then take it into the desert and bury it, and bury it deep, at least 10 feet. And if I were you I wouldn’t drive it to the desert, I’d walk it to the desert because it is a well known fact that cops have tunnel vision and you were reported to be driving so if you walk they won’t even see you, kind of like you’re invisible.


After you have returned from your trek into the desert I’d sit down and start watching all of the national news channels to see if you are the news of the day. And during commercials read this, it may help you in the future.

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I had a guy in my neighborhood follow me to my house and threaten me and say he was calling the state police because kids lived on the street blah blah blah. The cops never came to my house. As far as i know, anything involving traffic violations would have to be witnessed by an officer for you to get a ticket. The worst thing that could happen is they show up, you deny it, and they tell you to slow down.


PS- I wasn't speeding thru my neighborhood, just have really loud pipes and the guy lives at a stop sign. Don't want any parents to hate me. lol

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Hopefully I’m not too late, but here goes, the police have already been called and you are a wanted person! As a matter of fact I have to type very softly cause me just typing to you could cost me my job, but I’ll try to help. Your license number has already been entered into the nationwide database of known “street racers”. A picture of your SS as well as a picture of YOU is being transmitted to ALL police agencies, even Barney has it! More and more police cars are being equipped with in-car computers so they have the info immediately so I’d recommend you park your SS in a well shielded garage and if you don’t have a well shielded garage then at least rip off the On-Star antenna, if you have one, so they can’t track you. Then to be on the safe side, I know you’d like to be on the SAFE side, I’d find the “black box” and rip it out, so if they do arrest you they won’t have the data to use against you in court. I would then take it into the desert and bury it, and bury it deep, at least 10 feet. And if I were you I wouldn’t drive it to the desert, I’d walk it to the desert because it is a well known fact that cops have tunnel vision and you were reported to be driving so if you walk they won’t even see you, kind of like you’re invisible.


After you have returned from your trek into the desert I’d sit down and start watching all of the national news channels to see if you are the news of the day. And during commercials read this, it may help you in the future.





Yeah ... What he said!!!!!

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ok so just about 30 minuits ago i was racing one of my friends and a guy ran out waving his arms now i dont know if he even got our lisence plates but he probly called the cops what could they do to me can they do anything need info!!! :shakehead:

how about this....


you and your buddy were just driving along at speed limit and then all of a sudden this crazy dude ran out and started throwing rocks at both of your vehicles and you had to speed up to avoid getting hit by the rocks, at that point it became a race to see who could get away from the rocks the fastest. maybe put a couple rocks in your bed to make your story legit.

Edited by wody (see edit history)
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