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SS Silv

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i dunno at least down here the priests live pretty humble...I rather donate to the funds for poor children and such something that even my priest has told me to do instead of give it to the church.

I guess thats the evil of men, few are true and others are not.

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no wife and no kids

work my ass off 60 hours a week






I have no credit card debt and I only buy things when I have the money to do so. I also have a really good job and even though I pay for everything I have/own, I'm fortunate enough to live at home rent free. If I had a house payment I wouldn't be able to afford it.

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I am a gigolo for a high profile escort service. I get paid handsomely to provide companionship for older and/or heavier ladies. Business has been dropping off lately. I think I am getting old or something. So, my pimp helps pimp my ride.




O.K. I can't keep a straight face. I pay for all my mods cash with money earned from my teaching job. I just feed the kids ramen noodles and tell them about the starving kids in China, so I can save for the next mod. :)

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Just now watching closely what I spend. I discovered Fastfood+big stomach=$$$. Also driving less and keeping phone convo's short (unless they have a Cingular too) keeps the phone bill at what its actually advertised. Just switched banks also for the Truck, now I have 6.6% interest instead of 9%, and smaller payments. Switched insurence too, now its about 40 bucks cheaper a month. So yeah in the past month I've settled down quite a bit. I looked at my bank statement, realized how much cash I was throwing away, and sat down for a few hours and worked out how to save a few hundred every month.


I figure these savings will easily get me a bolt on a month! March I'll get pullies, April I'll get E-fan, May Ill get shift kit, June Ill get Thermostat/dyno tune...


Ive also switched to Natural Light.......just kidding

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You could resort to sexual favors :jester::jester:


You gotta budget. Specific advice - what I do is maintain a 6-month personal budget; I literally have a spreadsheet with every expected income/expense listed for the coming six months (line-by-line) and keep it updated, that allows me to build up $$$ to afford the big-ticket items. Budgeting also allows you to have the funds at hand when a great deal unexpectedly pops-up; if a guy suddenly posts that he's got good used Baer Alumasports at $500 off retail (:D) and you've got cash in hand you just saved yourself $500! And I don't care who you are, $500 saved is a lot of damned money. And don't just limit yourself to watching the forum FS ads, lurk in the Fbody and Vette forums too because A LOT of times you will find somebody that has good parts they're wanting to unload, and all you need is the cash in hand to pounce. Also get out there and stay very involved in the wrecking yard and with your good 'ol boys, example I just heard 3 weeks ago a guy in Houston just bought a LS2 longblock out of a wrecked TBSS for $1400 - stuff like this is going on around you all the time.


Another piece of advice - and I know this happens a lot but DO NOT buy anything automotive on a credit card, line of credit, or roll it into your monthly payment - you are cutting your own throat for an item that literally the second you ring it up is worth HALF it's retail value and additionally you're paying interest on top of that; bad bad bad. You may get your mod but overall your financial worth is far worse off than before you made the purchase. There is nothing about car crafting that is an investment (makes you money) so for god's sake don't buy it on credit - if you can't pay cash for it, don't get it; if something is that damned important then be dedicated enough to work for and buy it.


Third - as you make real friends who are also car crafting guys you will discover that some of them deal with the aftermarket and can get you jobber costs on stuff, especially participants in this forum there are quite a few guys with dealer connections and they keep it on the down-low. Remember (important life lesson here) you are who you surround yourself with.


Mr. P. :)

In relation to your comment about the baer brakes, this just happened to me but it was stereo equipment. I local store is in the process of switching products and everything was 50% off. So I had to jump on it, it was too good of a deal to pass up.


Thanks for the advice as far as budgeting. I am going to start doing that.

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Well ... the wife and I are D.I.N.K.S. .... Duel Income No Kids (2 Golden Retrievers)


I've got a great paying career, with a decent amount of OT, and Road Work that I can pick and choose from .... and she owns her own company ...


But hey, the bills are payed, and we don't buy anything that is just not really needed. Credit Cards are at Zero, and we just save up for what we want next ...


But by all means, we do not live out of our means ... That is the key to being finacially responsible/sound.

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...Thanks for the advice as far as budgeting. I am going to start doing that.
It sounds like a lot but really it will only take you a couple nights to set it up (and you will do this again 1-2 more times a year) and every payday you just take 10-15 mins as you are paying/reconciling your bills, the overhead is very light when you get the rhythm established and the benefits are *big* when you can forcast a couple months from now what your financial situation will be. That's actually a pretty good rule, at any moment you should be able to tell how much is in your bank account as well as what your balance will be 1, 2, 3 paychecks down the road.


Mr. P.

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I agree with P, I try and save as much as I can. Then when I find a steal, I pick it up. Unfortunately youcant pick up every bargain. But if you wait long enough there will be one to come up with. When I was looking for car audio I would go into every forum to check the for sale section. And I have been waiting for a nice saltwater setup to appear on craigslist.org. But the best advice I can give is to buy cup of noodles and spend the money on everything else :thumbs:

Oh my pm book is fixed, so PM on how your tanks going

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10% to GOD translation around here is that money is to help the preachers drive $50K vehicles and live in $300k houses so I don't donate to that cause.


well our pastor and her husband live in a mobile home, drive a pt cruiser and a lumina minivan. our church has a monthly food bank that we feed at least 500 low income families in our community.

as for THAT CAUSE, its my conviction, and it says in the BIBLE all of our wealth is GODS, he only wants 10% for his work. i can personally attest that since i have been giving mine, i have been blessed weekly. i have a lot of bills right now (supporting 2 houses and utilities along with spousal support) but even after the bills are paid, somehow i have money left over.

i have paid my percent with the last money i have had, went on a call on monday morning and recieved a $100 tip. and got tips all week to make it back to payday.

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I'm like Mister P. .... I have a xcel spreedsheet with all my bills and expenses on it ... but I also have a row for things I want to save for ( vactions, baby, mods, etc ) .... I even go as far as putting down plates, fuel, taxes, anything that i know a value for and that I can budget I do ... I do mine as a yearly budget .... and continue it into the next year so I can compare year to year expenses ..... it is truley amazing how much money you blow and don't even know it .... Budgets are big time if you need to manage money .... but living with mom & dad make mods a lot easier .... why did i ever leave :crackup:

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One thing that I do is to only use a credit card for convenience. I make sure that I pay it when the bill comes. If I can't afford to pay at least half the bill when it comes, I'll wait to buy whatever it is until I can put more aside. :sigh:

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... well our pastor and her husband live in a mobile home, drive a pt cruiser and a lumina minivan. our church has a monthly food bank that we feed at least 500 low income families in our community. ...
It's good to hear you are involved with people that really are going out of their way to pursue a good cause.


:confused: Wait a minute - you said "paster and her husband"? In my upbringing that would be totally frowned on!

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I’m 21 and have one kid I make good money being a Civil/Structural designer for just getting out of school last Sept from ITT, but I still need more money or a better budgeting system Mister P can you fix me up with some kind of spread sheet. Just in the last month with extra OT and tax refund has made me able to have a few hundred left over between paychecks so it’s getting better, but if the SS brakes than what do I do? A few hundred wont fix much now days. In all I love what you have done with your SS (Mister P) and if that’s how I want to get mine looking than something has got to change. Thanks P. Chris- :chevy:

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