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I've been confused...


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Is that it? the shocker that is... 2 in the pink 1 in the stink? come one guys I try to learn as much as i can... sometimes it backfires Oh and don't worry jac just the chic in your sig is in my fantasies... I think what started it off was thinking your name was like jaycee i don't know maybe its jack w/out the K?


Back to the learning as much as i can thing, I had a service tech at my dealership tell me the engine has a sensor that measures oil viscosity and thats how it tells engine oil life... now after my main mechanic buddy laughed his ass off when i told him this I'm beginning to wonder if gullable is actually not in the dictionary? That tech was just being an ass right? I don't know I mean with todays technology it's not that far of a stretch is it?


And i knew id catch some crap on this one but since i can only ruin an online rep oh well at least some of you guys got a chuckle :cheers:

Edited by vmax2fast (see edit history)
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Is that it? the shocker that is... 2 in the pink 1 in the stink? come one guys I try to learn as much as i can... sometimes it backfires Oh and don't worry jac just the chic in your sig is in my fantasies... I think what started it off was thinking your name was like jaycee i don't know maybe its jack w/out the K?


Back to the learning as much as i can thing, I had a service tech at my dealership tell me the engine has a sensor that measures oil viscosity and thats how it tells engine oil life... now after my main mechanic buddy laughed his ass off when i told him this I'm beginning to wonder if gullable is actually not in the dictionary? That tech was just being an ass right? I don't know I mean with todays technology it's not that far of a stretch is it?


And i knew id catch some crap on this one but since i can only ruin an online rep oh well at least some of you guys got a chuckle :cheers:

No, there's not a sensor. The oil life system uses a mathmatecal formula with engine RPM and temperature over time to determine oil breakdown.
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What an ass... the tech that is, he might just have been jealous cause he kept saying how bad ass the v-max trucks were. I know I'm pretty young to own a $40k truck, but its not like i don't earn it every month. When the wife and I figured our budget recently (we're terrible with money) we figured out that our combined income was $200 less than all our bills... not including gas, food, clothing etc. just monthly bills. All this money and the extra two hunsky comes from me going out and hustlin up work, snow removal, tree removal, basements, decks, tile jobs, any kind of fences. You name it I can probably do it, if not I'm not afraid to learn and try it. Thats why I rewarded myself with my truck... I feel I earn it all the time. :chevy:

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The technology is out there .... just not in your truck. This site is all about learning ... don't worry about what people think. If you have questions ask away ... There is not a single person on here who has learned something just by asking/reading on this site. Wanting to learn is the key ... enjoy your truck and use the shocker wisely.

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:crackup::crackup: funny stuff, made me think of a recent conversation, wife asked if I'm the type to refer to my truck as "her" or "she". I said no I don't view vehicles as gender since they are machines, but if I did, my truck would def be a dude since as we all know, it's got balls and according to the owners manual it's got a DIC :crackup:
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:crackup::crackup: funny stuff, made me think of a recent conversation, wife asked if I'm the type to refer to my truck as "her" or "she". I said no I don't view vehicles as gender since they are machines, but if I did, my truck would def be a dude since as we all know, it's got balls and according to the owners manual it's got a DIC :crackup:

:crackup: and it likes to be blown and stroked

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