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SS vs. Lexus


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This was posted on the competitiondiesel.com forum. Thought you might appreciate the toughness of the SS a bit more....






Here are the comments from the guy on the scene that snapped the photos:


"One of calls I went out on last week was a head on collision in the middle of the night. It was a pickup and a car. the car was a lexus and the truck, an SS. The car was traveling down the wrong lane on a four lane divided highway. Someone call the car in when it was in to and the PD was just catching up to him 3 miles out when he collided with the pickup. estimated speed of both vehicles was 65-70 MPH. The officer in pursuit said they both shot 7-10 feet in the air and it sound like a train crash. The guy in the car had a back seat full on laundry and random stuff, like car batteries... I was in the second unit on scene and performed extrication on the car driver. Ended up doing a full dash roll. The little old asian man was so wasted, he couldn't tell he had a compound fracture in his ankle. There were parts of the truck in the car. The whole time I was working on the car I was worried I knew the guy in the truck, because it looked like an F150 where I was standing...


Note the bumper cover of the SS embeded in the front of the car and that black chuck of metal connecting the two is the SS's bumper. I was surprised at how well the EC doors held up. The hood is just about perfect. Talk about laying frame... The stuff in the bed pushed the front of the bed into the back of the cab about four inches. The console exploded inside. It was a real mess.


If you're wondering why the guy in the SS just plowed into the car instead of swerving....same reason the guy in the car hit him. He was drunk too! They were both wearing seat-belts. the guy in the SS only had a big gouge on his ankle where it hit against the brake pedal, that's it!"


Happened ust west of Mobile, AL.

Edited by lpreston (see edit history)
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Glad the guy in the Lexus was not killed, he didn't have a chance - the frame of the SS is much higher off the ground than the frame of the car, meaning that the truck will always try to go over the top of the car rather than through or beneath it; I'm surprised the truck did not park it's front axle right in the guy's lap. In demolition derby we always raised the cars in the air because whichever frame is lowest looses the collision (dives under the other car).


Mr. P.


I just noticed the SS has a moon roof; musta been an '05+ 2WD truck.

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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that sucks big time nothing good can come out of drinking and driving.good thing they are okay so they can do some jail time for doing stupid sh##



been there done that(not the accident part,the drinking/driving part).theres no need to get sloshed and then risk your life driving home.It would suck if that is not paid off yet.

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