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I am posting to apologize for those that might think i'm ignoring them. I haven't checked my e-mail in about a week (hell, not much before that either) and I'm hoping to even get it to below 100 e-mails sometime this weekend. After I had my issue on here with the site owner I had much less reason to spend time on here. This didn't mean I planned to stop coming around, just that I'd spend less time on here. To add to it I finally have a girlfriend that I live with and have been trying to make time for her also. This recently has involved alot of doctor and hospital time with her for some health issue taking away yet more of my time. Basicly between work being busier than usual, actually having a live in gf, and every other thing I haven't been on here much and probably haven't been as available to some nearly as much as I used to be. I feel bad about that and I'm trying to get caught up with all of that kind of stuff as well as not ignore the woman.

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Don't feel bad - you've got a life :thumbs: Hey I love my truck like the next guy but geeze it's just a truck! There's more important things in life. Wishing you good luck with your gf.


Mr. P. :)



Very well put Mr. P.


Glad to see you coming around again Zippy. Wishing you and your girlfriend the best of luck :thumbs:

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