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need helps asap

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well i need some help soon. at work we just got a 2001 jetta for a company car and it threw a code, i read it and it said malfunction,slow response. on o2 sensor bank 1 senor 2. my question is, is were is bank 1 senor 2??? im replacing sunday and want to make sure i change the right one. its on a 4 cyl. so isnt there only 2 sensors? 1 behind cat and pre cat? i think senosr 2 is after cat, just want to make sure...~~Kyle


p.s- i know its not ss related but with this i make money to pay for my clone..lol

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i already cleared it. i went like a couple miles and it came back on. so im just going to change it. as long as its after cat and i knwo which one it is i'll be fine, i hope. also the sensor for pre- and post cat are diffrent correct?

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One way to tell, if you have a scanner, is to unplug the one you think it is, then look at the reading on the scanner, it should stay around 450mV unplugged. I don't know anything about imports, but there may be one 02 in the manifold, then another before the cat, and a 3rd after the cat. If that is the case, it would naturally be the 2nd in the exhaust.

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yeah it should be the sesnor after the cat. id clear the code first and see fi ti comes back. but if it does just swap the sensor should be an 5 minute fix.




sensor 2 is always down stream after the cat. I would first check the wiring to the pcm and also the grounded shielding wire on the harness. theses volkswagons are notorious for that kind of problem. Usually i find it's not even a sensor that is the problem. good luck kyle.


ps, if you need help, give me a call, happy to help you out. you should have my phone number.

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o how i hate imports!!!! well i had to chage it and it was a bit*H. i loved it when chase said its a 5 min swap, for 2 hour while i was doing it i was saying "o ya chase 5 mins". well its so freaking tight under there theirs no room to move. the o2 sensor in the cat tucked up high, and its so tight to get a o2 socket up there. plus it was so rusted i had to get my torches out and heat it up. of course when i got it out there were no threads left, so i had to tap the cat. then after 30 mins, of tryng to get the o2 to grab it finally did and put it all together. then when i went go clear the codes i had another one come up, about a accesories input?? well i just tcleard all 4 and ran it back to work HARD and no code came up.....sorry about my rant but it was suck PITA. i had help with my uncle and he kept saying " i could have had your engine out of your truck faster then this damn sensor will go in" :rant:

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