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The freaks come out at night


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So I'm headed home around 12:15 AM w/ my girlfriend after seeing The Astronaut Farmer ( which was really good ) Anyways, I was at a redlight and was only stopped for about 5-8sec, the light turned green so i headed off normally, not fast or anything. so I get up to about 35 and I look behind me and I truck is right on my ass. so I slam the gas to give him the disapproving sound of my SLP. But all that does is make him jump around me and floor it. The truck was another chevy...I mean i would expect that from a Ford guy but not Chevy! Anyways, my girl is with me so I dont wana take any shit from someother guy. So I pass him up (with ease) roll the window down and let the finger fly as I pass him and well after I was infront of him. I just dont understand what makes some people do stuff like that when there is an open lane. Anyways, thats my fun story for the day. :chevy:

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interesting. People are driving more and more like monkeys every day. It seems everyone is always in a hurry to get somewhere, even if they're not, and are extremely rude. Usually i let it slide when people do stupid things, I believe that ignoring someone or just kindly smiling will get you alot farther than flipping the bird and driving like them or worse. These days I'm almost scared to drive, not out of fear of my capabilities (sp) but the other idiots out there, so defensive driving is now a good skill to have.

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