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Check Engine light

Porno Joe

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So the check engine light came on in my truck tonight, and I have no idea why. I was driving back to college just cruising at like 65, and when i got off the highway and turned at the bottom of the ramp, my light came on when the truck shifted to 4th. i had to drive another 25 miles to get to school, but all the gauges were reading fine and the truck seems to be running fine. Any ideas what this could be? also, I have a volant CAI with ram-air tube and a tuned PCM, should I take either of these out before heading to the dealership?

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My tank was almost full, and I am headed to the local parts stores tomorrow to get the code pulled. Is it possible i sucked some water thru my volant ram air tube and got the MAF wet? I drove my truck is the snow last week, and then i check my air box and there was water in the bottom, but no light that day. today it wasnt even raining when my light came on.

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Check your gas cap, most newer GM vehicles are vacuum sensitive, a loose cap will make the light come on.

If your tank is near full, obviously you recently filled up, tighten the cap, it may take a day or two for the light to go out, usually about 5-10 key cycles.

Keep us posted on the outcome............. :chevy:

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Just got back from advanced auto parts, this is what i got from the truck:

first time i scanned it, two codes:


Knock Sensor 1

Circuit Low Input

Bank 1 or 1 Sensor



Knock Sensor 2

Circuit Low Input

(Bank 2)


i rescanned the truck again to make sure i got everything and got only one:


Knock Sensor 1

Circuit Low Input

Bank 1 or 1 Sensor


After the scan i cleared the codes and drove the truck about 2 miles home and the light never came on

so whats going on?

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Did you recently wash your engine or drive through big puddles so enough water would soak your engine? IMO it sounds like you got water in the Knock sensor connections either behind the engine or on the lifter valley.


If you got water under the knock sensor boots on the lifter valley, it is only a matter of time until they corrode and really kill you performance. I actually siliconed mine down when I did my radix install.


Good news is that they will dry and the code won't come back unless the connections got corroded. The only other reason I see for that code is an unplugged sensor or a broke wire.

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Nope, i havent washed my engine i awhile.


Could I get that code from bad gas? I only run high octane in my truck, but is it possible i got either a bad tank or possible got some water in my gas when i filled up?


I'm with Krambo ... that code was not set because of a knocking condition, (IE water in gas) it's because the PCM detected an issue with the knock sensor circuit(s).


I looked up the codes in my tool ... and the P0332 is a Knock Sensor 2 Circuit low frequency.


Check the sensors ... just because you didn't come across any water lately doesn't mean that there's no corrosion on the boots ... it may have been building, and there's enough corrosion there now for the PCM to notice a change in both voltage and frequency.



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