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Opinions please - is my ex-wife trying to pull a fast one?


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Is it possible that she just thought it was a cute picture that looked very much like your daughter?

NO women are :crazy: !



Some women are crazy, and WILL NEVER CHANGE.

Good knowing your kids Steve, this may be a test in case she were to get a look-a-like to trade you one day.

I am only half kidding... :uhoh:

Freaking loon.

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I WAS RIGHT - IT'S NOT MY DAUGHTER. I talked with my daughter and she told me that it was her step-cousin who dressed as the sherriff.


Why would your ex-wife send you a pic on a different girl? ...

What can I say... once a pit viper, always a pit viper I guess. Mean people suck.


Mr. P.


It's good to know you're not crazy and when you see a pic you can tell if it's your child or not :thumbs:


Your ex on the other hand... :crazy:

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Nice call Steve ... I figured if anyone knew it would be you ... I kept flopping back and forth ... I couldn't decdide. That is sooooo f*cked up that your ex would try that shit ... but then again from your posts about her I don't have any trouble believing it. It sucks your kids have to be exposed to that kind of person. I can't imagine the struggle you have with being fair to your kids and wanting to expose their mother. It would kill me not to call her out and let the kids know how messed up she is. But you can't do that to them ... tough situation ... you must be one strong dude!


best wishes with this

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Did you ask the X about it?

I replied to her original email asking for more details on when the pic was taken, what the occasion was etc and got this reply:

From: Meg Leeds

To: Steve C. Poythress

Subject: RE: Sheriff Poythress


That's odd. I thought Savanna explaining that the picture wasn't of her would have cleared things up.


The sooner my daughter & stepson decide to leave the better.


Mr. P.

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damn steve, i dunno what to say. sorry man women ARE crazy


thats definatly not your daughter! the face is completely different, look at the jaw.



huh? I am like most and believe that is your daughter to me the facial features look the same. BUT being the father you would be more keen in recognizing her over us. Keep us informed


I WAS RIGHT - IT'S NOT MY DAUGHTER. I talked with my daughter and she told me that it was her step-cousin who dressed as the sherriff.


................brobradh77...........ownage ;) :P jk jk

Edited by kelleyperformance (see edit history)
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Once again proves women are shitty liars. When they realize their caught they claim to have done it on purpose to try to prove something, or they try to make up a story that makes no sence... dumbasses. Good call tho, I was guessing it was the same person in all 3 pics, good eye.

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Some women are crazy,


"Some" my a$$



Are you saying all :crackup:


When you consider that PMS has been used as a defense in felony crimes, I think that might be a "YES". :dunno:

So when I get my first ticket and take it to coust, I can jus plead PMS :confused: Sounds good to me :driving:



And back to topic....that's awful that she would do that to ya P. What a sick way to "test" you. :shakehead:

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