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Water or Coke?

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I'm sure some of us have seen this before...


We knew Coke bad, BUT MAYBE NOT IS BAD.


Subject: Fw: Water or Coke ?


Very Interesting!!! (I've read this before, though)


Water or Coke?

I could not believe this..... Very interesting




#1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to


the world population.)


#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is

mistaken for hunger.


#3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.


#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pains for


100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.


#5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.


#6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day

could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of



#7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term

memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer

screen or on a ! printed page.


#8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon

cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%., and one

is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. Are you drinking the

amount of water you should drink every day?





#1. In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in

the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.


#2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke and it will be gone

in two days.


#3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet

bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The

citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.


#4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper

with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.


#5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of

Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.


#6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to

the rusted bolt for several minutes.


#7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking

pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before ham

is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the

Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.


#8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into the load

of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The

Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road

haze from your windshield.




#1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It will

dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from

bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase of



#2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup! (the concentrate) the commercial

trucks must use a hazardous Material place cards reserved for highly

corrosive materials.


#3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean engines of

the trucks for about 20 years!



Now the question is, would you like a glass of water?

or Coke?

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That's mostly false (the harmful stuff)...aka "Cokelore".


Probably started in an e-mail form Pepsi...hehe.


Here's some info from SNOPES:


The rest of the claims offered here are specious. Coca-Cola does contain small amounts of citric acid and phosphoric acid; however, all the insinuations about the dangers these acids might pose to people who drink Coca-Cola ignore a simple concept familiar to any first-year chemistry student: concentration.


Coca-Cola contains less citric acid than orange juice does, and the concentration of phosphoric acid in Coke is far too small (a mere 11 to 13 grams per gallon of syrup, or about 0.20 to 0.30 per cent of the total formula) to dissolve a steak, a tooth, or a nail overnight. (Much of the item will dissolve eventually, but after a day or two you'll still have most of the tooth, a whole nail, and one very soggy t-bone.)


Besides, the gastric acid in your stomach is much stronger than any of the acids in Coca-Cola, so the Coca-Cola is harmless.


From http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/acid.asp


- Brian

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At my job i set behind a desk for most of the day and I will have to agree with the part about drinking water a midnight will cure your hunger ....... I drink water like crazy because if I didnt I would be eating all kinds of food at work and then i would need a super charger for the ss to haul my fat ass around. So any how try it next time your hungry befor a meal go drink a glass of water (down it) it will cure the hunger faster than if you just sip on it that doesnt work 2 well

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wow, that is the most interesting post i've read on here. that was awesome. I try to drink a bottle of water every hour during my day, i've been doing it for about a year now and since i started, i've never felt better. it really makes a big difference in a lot of things.

ES :flag:

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i worked for coke a couple months back . we learned alot of cool stuff lik ethat.


coke is the second most recoginzed word in the world , right after "ok" .


and for some reason i will never know Mcdonalds has the best coke.

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:withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid:

It creepy! Its a combination of the straw and the heavy ice, the must have a secret formula!!

Sorry I thought I was one of the few who realized the Mc Donalds has the best coke

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