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Exaust too loud!


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I want to apologize to everyone for my comments. they were out of line. I was really tired from a really long couple of days and i snapped and took it out on ya'll. and for that again i apologize. and to ssaman, its good to know that there still are good neighbors out there. I've know a few crappy ones.


and to BYN i apologize for snapping but it really irks me when people come in and start breaking balls out of nowhere and then when you slaughter the English language like that it is difficult to take anyone seriously.


So again i apologize. i flew off at the handle and it was inappropriate

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You are much nicer neighbor than I would be. The only way I would change my exhaust was if he was paying for it. As far as the noise ordinances go, I did a little checking when I had a problem with a neighbor complaining about me speeding because "they could hear my exhaust", and at least in my neighborhood, most exhaust systems for our trucks that are not dumped would meet the ordinance. I think you are a real stand up guy for trying to please this neighbor, if it was me I would tell him to move to the country if he wants peace and quiet.


Also check out this site, noise ordinance laws for the city of Houston:


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I wouldn't have any problem doing something like that for my numbers, but I think I might ask them to cover any costs that may be incurred.

i would definetley have them cover the cost. if i paid for something that i like and was so nice that i was willing to remove it just because they don't, they should pay for it at the very least.


Bottom line, if he talked to me about my truck early on and not behind my back, I would have only taken my truck out during "normal" hours and would have totally respected his wishes. So that being said, I feel it was the propper way to ask and the propper way to address the situation. Nice job! ...but I wouldn't change my exhaust, I would ask if there was anything else I could do first.

:withstupid: is there any other way to fix the problem besides you just doing what they ask?.

i understand it's very nice of you and respectful, but where is there respect for what you like or your investment?.. respect is a two way street. you shouldn't have to remove it just for them. is there another vehicle you can use when you come home late? are you too loud with it? if so maybe just change your driving habits when you pull up to your house.


You are much nicer neighbor than I would be. The only way I would change my exhaust was if he was paying for it. As far as the noise ordinances go, I did a little checking when I had a problem with a neighbor complaining about me speeding because "they could hear my exhaust", and at least in my neighborhood, most exhaust systems for our trucks that are not dumped would meet the ordinance. I think you are a real stand up guy for trying to please this neighbor, if it was me I would tell him to move to the country if he wants peace and quiet.

:withstupid: except i wouldn't tell them to move, i would just try to find a compromise that allow me to keep my exhaust and them happy at the same time.

if there is absolutley no alternative and something must be physicaly altered on your truck... GET CREATIVE!.. if you can make some kind of Y-pipe (if you have duels) that sticks snugly enough into your exhaust that may help.

i would need to know what type of exhaust you have to help you here?... for example with my exhaust i have duel 3" exiting in front of the tire about an inch apart, if i were to make a Y-pipe out of 2-7/8" pipe (or 2-3/4 and flare it a little) and have the short Y merge into a single 2" that would quiet it down a lot while still allowing the engine to run, and could be left in the back of your truck and stuck in a few blocks away (just dont rev it up cause it'll blow out lol) and that would solve it.


and i would still have them pay to fab it up. if you need any other ideas or anything just pm me or reply here. :cheers:

Edited by 2006_SUPERADO (see edit history)
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Also check this site out. They are fighting noise pollution whether it's cars, bikes, cars with stereos, leaf blowers, Muzak :wtf: Read through some of their thoughts and course of action for noise violators :nono: Another group we really need :uhoh:



I wanna own a "boom car" :crackup:


and wtf... BARKING DOGS?!?! Ummm yeah... lemme just put the silencer on my dog officer.. :wtf:


Bunch of :dupe:

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Also check this site out. They are fighting noise pollution whether it's cars, bikes, cars with stereos, leaf blowers, Muzak :wtf: Read through some of their thoughts and course of action for noise violators :nono: Another group we really need :uhoh:


Those people are extremist nut jobs. They're as bad as Green Peace, or PETA.
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Wow, First off For the originator of this post...You are a nice guy. I am guessing your truck is mostly stock?I Am betting that if you were to drive calmly down the street at a creep, and used a DB gun you would not be breakin' any laws. It's one thing to be considerate of neighbors, It's another to have to pay for somthing that you don't want to do in the first place. Alot of people use the ..."I am trying to Sleep" BS. if the truth be told more then likley your truck did/does not wake them up, and prob. they were up to hear it in the firsy place. Hell, my Cammed longtube no cats ls1 z28 with slp loudmouth was really not that loud under 1500 rpm. I think they are just bithcing and they dont like the sound.... Prob. has nothing to do with disturbing there sleep. UNLESS YOU ARE REVVING IT ,AND DRIVING LIKE AN A HOLE... I doubt you are because you sound like a respectful person.

I would Not change it! F THAT

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I wanna own a "boom car" :crackup:


and wtf... BARKING DOGS?!?! Ummm yeah... lemme just put the silencer on my dog officer.. :wtf:


Bunch of :dupe:

:withstupid: did you hear the :icon_bs: about it cause's people "FEAR and PAIN" and that it "AFFECTS there HEARTS" :wtf: i mean come on now saying it disturbs your sleep is one thing, but to even attempt to sell this crap to the public is just moronic... the sad part is some people buy it :banghead:


btw ssaman, did you see my last post on page 2 i thought it was a good idea?.

Edited by 2006_SUPERADO (see edit history)
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