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Exaust too loud!


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i def think Bob up there with his panties ina bunch needs to pop a couple of pills and relax, bro if i lived next to Bobo over here id probly knock his ass out, and b4 u say anything bob dont run ya mouth, cause no one care what u have to say, take ur old ass back to ya couch, polish off another 6 pack and eat ya doritos garden city bitch........


BYN is here....!

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Glad you don't live in my neighborhood. You should be too. First I'd call the cops on you. Most citites have noise ordinances. Your attitude is what pisses me off. Some of us have jobs and have to get up early. Most people paid big bucks for their houses and don't want to put up with punks with no respect. You people with that attitude need to grow up and think about somenone beside youself for a change.


The neighbors are being nice about it and it sounds like ssaman is too, so why should he start some crap? It's called common decency people. Learn it. The world would be a much nicer place if more people would. :rant:



and yes i'm one of the old farts here to, who like it quite.


ssaman... :thumbs: on keeping good with your neighbors, sounds like good up bringing. :cheers: MORE people should learn from it....



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i def think Bob up there with his panties ina bunch needs to pop a couple of pills and relax, bro if i lived next to Bobo over here id probly knock his ass out, and b4 u say anything bob dont run ya mouth, cause no one care what u have to say, take ur old ass back to ya couch, polish off another 6 pack and eat ya doritos garden city bitch........


BYN is here....!


:pop::pop: This is gonna get good :jester:

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i def think Bob up there with his panties ina bunch needs to pop a couple of pills and relax, bro if i lived next to Bobo over here id probly knock his ass out, and b4 u say anything bob dont run ya mouth, cause no one care what u have to say, take ur old ass back to ya couch, polish off another 6 pack and eat ya doritos garden city bitch........


BYN is here....!


Wow. Impressive response. :crackup:

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not reading all this crap but how about put tails on the truck..if dumped it wil lquiet down with tails





People need to quit being so soft. But being a good neighbor is a good thing, I'd just run it out the back and call it a day.

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good neighbor! my neighbor on the other hand likes my exhaust uncapped! he says its the "cats meow"...............i love it. i'll take him on a ride later once the 408 is built and in.

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