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I Quit! I Quit! I Quit!


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Hey All ...


While reading everyone's New Years reslolution, I knew I had too do it this year. So I have finally been successful. I never posted a resolution, since I would want to start it when I was "Mentally" ready.


So I am proud to say that .... I have Quit Chewing Tobacco!!!! Yes, after 6 years of Kodiak .... I have finally given it up. Did it Cold Turkey too!!!! Just said, that's it, I'm done ....


So we are at the one month marker and counting .... :thumbs::thumbs:


Wish Me Luck ... And for everyone else who has kept up with their Resolutions ... Congrats!!!!!


BTW .... The wife has quit smoking too ... She is two weeks behind me, but I am proud of her for giving it up. The only problem now is, my SS will get more miles on it. Due to I would not let her smoke in my truck!!!! :D






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very cool, way to stick with your resolution. Remember this about chewing though, its hard to quit, but its too easy to start after you've quit. I've quit a couple of times, both for 6-8 months, been hanging with a buddy who chews and take one to see if i get a buzz or jsut one for old times sake, and next thing you know I'm going through a can a week (which is relatively mild compared to other dippers)


I have self controll issues :cry:


good luck!!! :thumbs:

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i too quit smoking on feb 16th the day before my birthday, just refused to buy anymore.

now i got to get the woman to stop, she doesnt smoke in my truck or house. so she only smokes 3-4 a day, maybe she will stop soon.

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Good job! After 6 years, I've slowed down a bit. I quit buying the expensive stuff like Cope and Skoal and now resort to Timberwolf straight. I've always done straight, flavored stuff kills my gums. But a can now lasts me 3 days compared to a day, day and a half. Eventually my goal is to be down to a can a week. I've also been a big oral hygene (spell?) freak lately, like brushing my teeth 4 times a day.

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Speaking of dip, I have one in my lip right now. I quit after baseball for a good 3 years and have started back up again...It is an expensive habit. I get through a can in about 2-3 days...


Props on the quitting. I wish I could put the can down, but it is very tough...I cant do the kodiak or timberwolf...


Its either the cope or the skoal for me...Buying it online is much cheaper (40-60%) then the local gas station...then agin you go through it alot quicker when you buy it in the "log" format

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Awesome buddy! Now if we can get some of them back roads on a dry day everything will be complete! haha


Thanks Everyone!!!!


The funny thing about Dip is ... There are sooooooo many people out there doing it!!! My hardest time is haveing a nice Steak on the grill for dinner, a few Beers and I want one after dinner so Bad!!!


Yeah TJ ... Not a problem ... We can do a nice little run. Back up that Mountain pass that everyone loved. I know roads that will make a GPS unit puke!!!!

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you are very lucky, i wish i could quit chewing, i go through a can of copenhagen snuff a day some times a can and a half depends on how long i work


i use to spit very little, and in high school i use to swallow it. I have tried to quit on several occasions but havnt beeen able to quit for longer than a week

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Congrats!! :cheers::thumbs: Quitting is such a hard thing to do. Cold turkey is even worse. Now if I could just give up my smokes. :sigh: You'd think after a heart attack I'd give it up but I just keep going back to it. On the upside, I'm down to about 1/2 a pack a day from 2 packs a day. Hopefully I'll be able to quit before the next heart attack. :shakehead:


Sounds like you've got a good shot. Stick with it Shaun.

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