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Speeding ticket


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Heys guys,

This past Saturday I was comin home from spring break and got a speeding ticket for doing 88 in a 65 zone in NC and the Officier said i have to appear in court or get a lawyer to represect me at court. he said b/c i was goin way to fast, and cant get out of it. I'm from NJ and thats 9 hrs away from me. The reason y i was goin fast b/c i just up bigger tires and rims on my friends durango, which we took to Florida. I was goin 80 miles an hour and he clock me at 88. Does anyone kno a way around this or a good lawyer in Greenboro,NC

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IMO, the cop was just trying to scare/bully you into pleading guilty. In NY, if you plead guilty you can just send the ticket in to the state with a plea of guilty. Most likely, you don't have to be at court or have a lawyer at court. I would go find a good lawyer in your town and see what he can do. Explain to him what the Officer said to you, and just ask his opinion of whether or not he can do anything about the ticket.




...and make sure you tell the lawyer about the bigger tires and or mechanical modifications to the vehicle that you were driving. There are dirty little tricks to get you out of it.

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Plead a grievance of travel hardship ...


I did that when I got 3 tickets 4 hours from home in NJ ... they conduct the hearing through the mail ...


The only defense to your case is what you send to them in writing before the trial date ... anything you forget, it's your loss ... and they make the decision w/o your presence ...


Not the best way to do it, but it can be done ... at least they won't charge you for not appearing in court! :thumbs:

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...and make sure you tell the lawyer about the bigger tires and or mechanical modifications to the vehicle that you were driving. There are dirty little tricks to get you out of it.




Get the speedometer checked & have the technician tell you how much it's off. Even if its a c**t hair off... you wanna know. Then get it fixed right away.


That way you can say you had faulty equipment... but now it's fixed. Buddy of mine did that.. and i'm about to do it as well.. Going to go get dyno'd this weekend as well as get everything checked out. My court date (for speeding) is on Monday.

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Get the speedometer checked & have the technician tell you how much it's off. Even if its a c**t hair off... you wanna know. Then get it fixed right away.


That way you can say you had faulty equipment... but now it's fixed. Buddy of mine did that.. and i'm about to do it as well.. Going to go get dyno'd this weekend as well as get everything checked out. My court date (for speeding) is on Monday.


:withstupid: ... This is actually the best idea ... I completely forgot about it ... :thumbs:


Do this combined with the travel grievance & you'll be set!

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also, the fact that he was clocked at 88 mph is significant. I say this because in some states any speeding above 85mph is considered wreckless driving which falls under as a misdimeanor. In that case then court appearance, whether by yourself or your attorney is mandatory. Hopefully that's not the case because misdimeanor's are a bitch to fight

ES :flag:

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I agree with most said here. First don't take the cop's word for granted - contact the court clerk and see exactly what the charge is going to be and if an appearance is mandatory. If you are told by the court clerk that you must appear don't panic, remember that does not necessarily mean you have to do so in person - in a lot of jurisdictions if you "act responsibly to take care of this" they will bend over backwards to help you clear the matter up including appearance by phone.


re lawyer - as a general rule if you did anything that required a lawyer to appear with you then you wouldn't have been free to go! It also matters what jurisdiction/agency cited you, as an example here in Stephenville TX a wreckless driving ticket issued by the city cops (inside city limits) is $90 and does not go on your record; a wreckless driving ticket issued by the TX Highway Patrol is a whole 'nother matter entirely and you'd better have legal preparation. Point being talk with the court clerk, explain your sincerity in responsibly/quickly handling this issue and see where the conversation goes.


In this situation I would just pay it because it's out-of-state, but fines are almost always lower when you discuss it with the judge, even if you outright confess. So there is a good chance if you make the effort to arrange a long distance appearance combined with making the effort to provide a notarized statement that your mechanical issue has been corrected and maybe add an explaination that even though you were exceeding the posted speed you never had any intention of or knowledge that you were driving in a "wreckless manner" you might strike well with the judge and get off on the right foot and then it's entirely likely you'll get a reduced fine. Trick is that you have to impress people as a super-responsible person - the court likes "responsible people".


Early in my speeding career I tried the "my speedometer was off" strategy a couple times and never got it to work; I guess they smelled right through the bullshit. :lol:


Mr. P. :)

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It has been years since I have received a ticket..knock on wood..but I remember on the back there was a section where you could check mark a plea and mail it in with your fine unless you wanted to take defensive driviing or work it off then you had to make an appearance before the judge.

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In Cali 20 miles over the speed limit gets you no traffic school, over 100 miles an hour gets you 2 points and reckless driving. By the way, I fought my last three tickets and all were dissmissed because the officer's did not show. To bad its to far for you to appear or I would say fight it. You can fight it by mail, but don't count on the officer not responding.

Just pay the ticket via internet and be done with it. Im not sure about the law there but If its like you say, anything above 85 you might not be able to pay on the net.


It's a lengthly process to have you case heard in court. You would have to first show up to see the clerk and get a AR (arraignment) date. A month later you return to enter a plea at that time your bail amount would be set and here in california you can pay on the spot and you would recieve you CT (court trail) date. 45 days (right to a speedy trail)or less you will have your day and if you lose then your bail has already been payed, If you win they mail your money back to you in six weeks.

Good luck.

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also, the fact that he was clocked at 88 mph is significant. I say this because in some states any speeding above 85mph is considered wreckless driving which falls under as a misdimeanor. In that case then court appearance, whether by yourself or your attorney is mandatory. Hopefully that's not the case because misdimeanor's are a bitch to fight

ES :flag:


This happened to me remember guys...I was going 85- on a 35 zone...I got screwed...IMO just pay the fine...

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