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rolled the SS last night


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well, its official, my truck's all f'd up! :cry:



I had the cowl hood off getting it repainted this week, so I was just running the stock hood until I got it back and i just got my new gaylord's on this week. So last night I was heading home late from working on my el Camino, (about 2:00 am) and a deer jumped out in front of me, I swerved to miss it, and ended up hitting the ditch and rolled the truck once landing on the wheels. I'm ok, I was wearing my seatbelt, just a little bruised up and very heartbroken. I keep hoping that its just a joke since its april 1 and all, but i kid you not. I just thought you guys should know.



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is it fixable! man i feel so bad for you. when i saw the post i thought it was a joke! kind of still do, but thats just sick if your joking about killing a ss. well if u want to sell that goodmark hood pm me ill try to help u out. sorry for your loss..

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Glad to see you are ok. Let us know if the truck is totalled or not. I'm sure you wont know for a day or two.


On a side note, I feel compelled to let this be sort of a lesson about animals, etc. Any high performance driving course I have ever taken, even at the GM proving grounds, they always tell you to never ever swerve to miss an animal above 40mph. They say hit it and let it go. I know it natural reaction to try to save the whole vehicle and such, but they have done countless studies accross the US that 9 out of 10 people who swerved to miss an animal more than likely ended up worse off than had they hit it and came to a stop. People have died trying to miss an animal by swerving and hitting a tree/object or rolling over like you did. They dont say to not slam on the brakes, you want to slow yourself as much as possible. But you go through the animal. If you had hit the deer, the damage would have been bad yes, but you 99% most likely wouldnt have ended up in the ditch and rolled over. Would you be putting on a new fascia and radiator? Sure. Please dont take this the wrong way, I know what you did as reaction was 100% natural. I'm really glad you are ok. Just next time, remember, hit the dam deer, you will be better off. How fast do you think you were going? Was there snow like in Wyoming?

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Crazy bad luck man ... it doesn't look like a total loss unfortunatly ... now you have to wait for repairs and all that fun BS that goes with insurance claims ... I feel for you ... I'm glad you are ok.


Keep your head up man ... she'll be back ... better then ever

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glad you are ok. I always feel for the guys with similar mods, I know you have similar budgets and love for the truck, it is like doing it myself. Well dont think aboiut it for a while and then you can make a decision w/o any emotion envolved, drive the esclade for a while....sorry for your loss



and thnks for the tip...if it steps on the road, hit it!

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