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Anybody else see a big jump in gas prices yesterday?


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I guess I need to start a weekly rant post :mad: Well gas prices jumped up $0.20 and $0.30 yesterday for no reason other than it's Thursday and gas usually goes up some then. The price of oil has dropped the past couple days since the Iran-UK thing. Did anybody else see a jump? I was checking the price on gasbuddy.com and last year when oil was $65 gas was only around $2.32. I'm just wondering why gas is now around $2.79-$2.84 and oil is around the same price? Really sucks @ss that this type of $hit can happen and nothing gets done about it. If oil hits $78 again we'll probably see $5.00 and $6.00 prices on gas. :banghead: I guess I need to start digging my own oil field in KY lol :jester: On a brighter note, It's Friday :ughdance:

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I wish i was paying that gas is up to around 3.50 here is the L.A. are :banghead: Time to start looking into a bike ... or a prius :eek::wtf:


:withstupid: I've been driving the SS for the past 3 week but I guess I'll have to drive the beater again to work. I think I've put $130 in so far this week. Just seems strange that gas is so high while oil is reasonable. Gas stations probably love the $$$ they are raking in now

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It is odd...I notice that they use (or thier distributer etc; SOMEONE) oil scares to their advantage. Once it goes up they just steadily raise the price until a set cap, or no cap at all. I figured gas would get cheaper but I still see the prices creeping closer to 3 dollars.

SSthunder you have really educated and became aware of the oil situation in the past year huh?

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Looks like it will be another profit record of $10 or $15 Billion dollars this quarter for the oil companies! :banghead: Where are our illustrious leaders during all of this? Riding in their limos to their mansion resorts, no doubt. :rant:

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been going up here also the last few weeks nothing i can do about the gas for the SSS but the racecar is now running on avation fuel more than gas 3.90 a gal but cheeper than racing gas almost 6.00 a gal

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My wife works for a gas distributer company. They generally only make a few cents per gallon but make it up in volume. Most gas stations only make .02-.05 per gallon. That's why almost all gas stations are party stores also now. They really make a killing on bread, milk, pop, etc.


The oil companies (Mobil, Exxon etc.) are the ones really making the money. They set their prices on speculation, what they think gas is going to cost them in the near future. They never seem to guess low though. :mad: I don't begrudge them making a profit, that's why they're in business, but Exxon making $35,000,000,000 PROFIT in 1 quarter is totally outrageous.

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My wife works for a gas distributer company. They generally only make a few cents per gallon but make it up in volume. Most gas stations only make .02-.05 per gallon. That's why almost all gas stations are party stores also now. They really make a killing on bread, milk, pop, etc.


The oil companies (Mobil, Exxon etc.) are the ones really making the money. They set their prices on speculation, what they think gas is going to cost them in the near future. They never seem to guess low though. :mad: I don't begrudge them making a profit, that's why they're in business, but Exxon making $35,000,000,000 PROFIT in 1 quarter is totally outrageous.

That's what gets me. The reason it's so high now is because they're speculating for December. And I agree, their profits are out of the park. $35,000,000,000 in PROFIT for 1 quarter is just insane combined with the fact that we're paying record high prices for gas. Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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I filled up the other day at like 2.75 for supreme here in Georgia, thats high considering in the last few months it was 2.40 something. This is getting freaking ridiculous! The government should just start silently getting rid of the ceo's of oil companies when they even think about raising prices. :mad:

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