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SS Silv

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:rant: Seriously what the **** is so bad about 35% tint. Yeah I know the law is 50%, but 35 isn't that much darker. I had 35 on for two weeks and a popo gave me a 40$ ticket today. Damn am I pissed. Like I said what is the big deal. Seriously the only reason I got pulled over was because I am a kid in a nice vehicle. I don't drink or do drugs, but I still get harrased. I am debating wether to take it off or not. I looks good.


What are the laws in your state, and what percent tint do you have on your truck, and do you get harrased for it?


Anyways, no real reason for this post, just needed to vent some steam.

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a ticket for 35%? i thought that was legal, well here in texas it's legal...i had 35 and never got ticketed but anything less than 35 you prolly will get ticketed...now i have 20 on the front and still no tickets

Edited by Jond983 (see edit history)
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I went with 20% on the sides its dark but not dark to the point of getting noticed. Like Jond983 35% is whats legal on front 2 and the back windws can be painted if you wanted. The eye brow can't go below a line on the windshield but I go way beyond that and have never been harassed for it.

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I think its 20-25% here. However your car becomes a oven if you dont have tints. I have 15% I think. Never been harrassed...some cops are dicks...a friend of mine with legal tint got a ticket for illegal tint from a fhp. And almost gave him more for talking back to him.

My friend has double limo in his silverado, you stick a mag light on it and still cant even get past the tint. He pulled up to a gas station while a cop was filling up and the cop told him "hey you know those tints are illegal right?"

"yeah i know...but I burned my ass one too many times in the truck"

"alright....well nice truck"

Some cops are cool with it, I say keep it. You dont do anything stupid, dont go racing and sit and idle too long under a bridge. Tint laws are for a reason.

hopefully its just a one time thing

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in mass i belive its 35 all around. i belive i have 35 up front and 20 in the back. its better than stock but i want 20 up front and black out my rear. i will only redo it once i can get a new rear window without the defroster lines,



I have never had any problems with tint in any of my vehicles with defroster lines including the SSS so why are you waiting. :confused:

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Well concidering the town I live in is small, the chances of that same cop seeing me again are high. I took it off tonight, and this week I will have 50% put back on, yay. :puke: cops. No offense to Stitches and Ray, haha.

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I have never had any problems with tint in any of my vehicles with defroster lines including the SSS so why are you waiting. :confused:


becuase on the ss they used factory tinted glass. then put the defroster lines on. on my truck, they use regular clear glass then put the defroster lines on. so when you put tint over them you see more orannge lines. on yours its not bad because the orange is already blocked by tinted glass. i just asked the tinter at work about it and this is the explination he gave me.i could have him take the tint off and scrap of the defroster lines. but rather have a pre tinted glass in there then put tint on. or i can get the tinted glass with defroster line so i can keep them functional~~Kyle

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Missouri is 35% on the 2 front side windows and anything on the back and on the eyebrow.

I haven't tinted the windows on the ss yet. But a few years back when I had my Trans Am I had 5% all the around. Cops didn't mess with me but couldn't get it passed inspection. This was back when no tint was allowed on the sides. Buddy at work has 18% on side windows and doesn't get jacked with. He's had it on for over a year. I will probably go with 20% on side and 5% over factory tint in back.

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