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SRT 10 Speeding down the freeway

06 SRT10

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You cannot purchase any more or better PPE for people than as I already do. We train like there is no tomorrow, and our people are certified instructors. And the risk is still there. My accident was on a deserted road in the country- that I OWNED. I do not drive to put others' lives at risk. It sems nowadays that you have to actually watch one die or be injured from this to understand my point, or, at least, have more common sense and ability to reason than the iron you drive. Your comment of "If they f up and slam into the back of you, sue his ass..." led me to believe your experience and ability to reason were somewhat lacking; sorry if this inference was incorrect, but even you must admit it does not fit with the conditions of this life. Unfortunately, it looks as though you feel groundless statements are the only recourse against reason; next time, bring some facts to the table or risk looking the fool.

First of all, I was just replying to racerJJ.... and worked it out with him. The only reason I responded to you is because you took one of my posts, assumed that an off the cuff statement was a summation of my character, and decided to take it further by calling me ignorant and arrogant. This is the first forum I've joined and messed around on, mostly to learn things about my truck, and share my own experiences, but have learned a valueable lesson to carefully think about every post I write because there is always somebody that will take things as literal as possible and assume its their responsibility to critique and prove somebody else wrong, or in this case arrogant, ignorant, and a fool. So thanks for teaching me a few things about myself, sorry you have this opinion of me. I will say that I might have been a little too quick to post a thought off the top of my head, but my point was no matter how much you lecture people on a forum about street racing, do you honestly think your going to change somebodies driving habits? I guess I could have found a better way to say it, but thanks again for showing me how literal some people can take some peoples comments on forums!!

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