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I was just thinking the same thing. I have half a can of nite shades left and have been debating.

I have seen it, I think it looks great. Even if you put a slight tint.

Anyone else?
Hmmm my first thought was yeah man do it, but then got to thinking about it and on a red truck I dunno, could go either way... With the grill you have :dunno: I say if you want to tint the taillights then also paint the rear bumper cap black, tint the front windows, remove the amber from the headlights somehow, and maybe use a front grille that's not so 'bright'. I dunno, I'm not coming up with a good red truck color theme at the moment... :banghead:


Mr. P. :)

dont color match them to your truck. it would look retarded in red.
:withstupid: I agree. In blue on pimp's truck it looks good, and you can see some red come through the lights. But, in red I'd be afraid it would blend with the lights.

Not sure. The majority of people smoke there tail lights on black vehicles to make everything blend in with the black. But with red, everything is already blended in, red tail lights, red truck. I dunno. If I would do it I would spray them very light.


Another thought. Instead of clearing my headlights, I had my buddy spray the orange reflectors with a few light coats of onyx black out of a spray gun. He then cleared them and baked them at the autobody shop. This was a lot easier than tearing the headlights apart to clear them, I also think it looks just as good if not better (I will post some pics tonight). I think it woud look good if you did them same but us some red paint on your reflectors, then keep your tail lights red, then everything will be color matched.


Just a thought.




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