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SS Silv

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Has anyone ever tried this energy drink? I love these things, great taste and no crash. Just the right amount energy that I need to wake up in the morning or a late night cramming. However, I do limit myself to no more than 3-4 a week.

Check it out. The only place I could find it is at Target.

Bawlz Energy Drink

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That would be Bawls with an S :jester:


when i get bawls, i get it by the case of 24... used to couldnt find it anywhere but LAN Game parlors and stuff like that... of and of course www.thinkgeek.com


Good stuff... my fav.

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haha i limit myself to 3-4 a day! i love that stuff..... i find the only places to get it is 7 eleven and, incredibly, comp usa sells it by the case lol. life would be slightly more difficult without my bawls :jester: it never fails to get me by on 4-5 hours of sleep

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That stuff is amazing, i have pulled many an all nighter on bawls(wait that didn't sound right) but none the less i keep a case at work in the fridge cause if a client calls me a 3 in the morning...**** the coffee

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Bawls is one of the better energy drinks. You can find it on CompUSA because its a "gamer" drink. In actuality if it wasnt for videogames competitions there would be no energy drinks!

But seriously guys, limit your self to only a few a week, and if you do drink them make sure to eat a lot of food with them. I say this because the past two weeks I have been drinking non-stop 2 full throttles/bawls a day. Every day, over the weekend I started to get acid reflux (never had it before) and then it started getting worse with stomach pains. Apparently stress and the energy drinks dont go well with each other and I started to get ulcers. And the shitty part is that when you quit you get a bit of withdrawal similar to quitting coffee. I does not happen to everyone, but just limit it. screws up your kidneys too. :)

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never had that kind of energy drink but I drink a good amount of Monster during the week. When your on your feet all day and have to deal with complete idiots who dont know how a remote works its good to be wired sometimes

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thats the only energy drink i'll drink in the very rare moments that i do actually drink that energy nonsense. It's funny cuz i'll walk into a gas station and ask, "excuse me, but do you have bawlz?" ( i enjoy doing stuff like that) sometimes they understand and point me to where it is, others just look at me really weird lol! it's actually made locally to me in miami FL

ES :flag:

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