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For the past few days ive been drivin around with my windows down and the stereo off in this crazy awesome spring time weather, and I've noticed this weird squeaking noise from under my truck when I hit a few bumps in the road. Not big bumps, but just ones that might make the truck sway a bit. I have no idea what it could be, but its definitely from outside/under my truck. i can only hear it on the passenger side, and i hear it very faintly with the windows up.

What could this be?

I'm sitting on some shocks, waiting for my sway bars to come in, so i guess that *could* fix the issue, but until then i was wonderin if any of you had an idea on what was up.


i had this on my 1999 silverado LS. it turned out to be a leaking diff seal.

i could push on the truck with one finger and as soon as the truck moved away from me.. SQUEAK..


mines doing it too, i'm gonna have the dealership check it out b/c my warranty states that they'll have to eat that repair!

ES :flag:

mines doing it too, i'm gonna have the dealership check it out b/c my warranty states that they'll have to eat that repair!

ES :flag:


mines been doing it lately too. i suspect its the upper zirc fitting for the driver side sway bar bracket but i havent researched it too much yet.

mines doing it too, i'm gonna have the dealership check it out b/c my warranty states that they'll have to eat that repair!

ES :flag:

Awesome, when ya get it looked at, could ya let me know? my truck isnt under warranty anymore, so if its nothing too serious, i wont worry about it.


I had a "chirp" that I believed to be a chassis squeak; I discovered that it was an exhaust bracket that had been rubbing against one of the frame crossmember bolt-ends on rough pavement. Get under the truck and shake the hell out of the exhaust pipes both up & down as well as front-to-back and see if you get noise, it needs 3/8" - 1/2" clearance (about a finger's width)... Also you can check for rear suspension noise easy enough by jumping up and down in the bed :dunno:


Mr. P. :)


Lol, I thought I was the only one who had the case of the squeaks, just came back from the dealership and it turns out that it was my brakes squeaking because of one my rotors were uneven. Had them resurfaced and serviced under warranty and all's well for now...


try greasing the shackles in the back bet that fixes it take the shackles off and grease the bolts real well


there was something on here about 3 + yrs ago about squeaking in the front end, and what was found was upper shock mount bushings were not lubed properly from the factory :dunno:

try lubing all your fittings and spray all your bushings with some HD silicone spray and see if that helps


good luck..



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