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Well two weeks ago I drive my sorry behind up to Michigan from North Carolina to get some work done on the truck....hey I hear Zippy is the best, so that is where I went.... OK I didn't drive that whole way just for Zippy, I went up and got married too!! Yeah WAY stoked.... But I digress. So I take the truck to zippy to get a TBTC, Shift Kit, Servos, Tune.... ya know the deal. So I go in on Friday to see how she is doing and Zippy was like dude I have been trying to get ahold of you all morning....Bachelor Party the night before... So yeah they dropped my tranny and all sorts of metal shavings and stuff in the pan... NO GOOD. Oh well, I was at the dealer and the truck only has 28K on it so they were like I will fix it... SWEET! Yeah they took the truck with the tranny already dropped and did the work... Zippy and his connections ROCK. Unfortunately the truck wasn't done until Monday evening and I was already half way to NC.... Had to hit the Honeymoon tuesday morning. So yeah the truck is done with her new toys up in Michigan sitting in my buddies garage and the really shitty part is I wont be able to drive her for over a year cuz I am deploying next month... SUNOVA!!! Oh well I will just go save up the $$ to put the blower back on and some headers.

Posted (edited)

congrats on the marriage. and that sucks you wont be able to drive your truck for a year. i don't know what the hell i would do. i would go into sss withdraw and go insane.

Edited by BlackSS04 (see edit history)

if u really want someone to drive it, im sure i could make a trip out there and take it out for a spin :yellow_loser:

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