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Bitchy Neighbor


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We moved into a rental house here a couple weeks ago and today were moving some stuff to storage and I parked in front of my neighbors house and when I got out she came out and started asking me and my family to stop parking in front of their house? Ok whatever and then asked if i could tone my truck down because its super loud she said and its just got borlas on it no long tubes and stock cats so its not gonna get much quieter because they have a young kid and i get home every night about 1030 which i can understand and i told her that but im not gonna change my mufflers for them. the next time she bitches about im just gonna tell her "Yeah just lemme get the remote :yellow_loser: " and then asked me to tell everyone to stop slamming the car doors which we dont. Shes just really ****ing picky and my exhaust is legal and its a public street so we can park in front of her house if we want which we only do if we need to. we dont park there every day. The next time she bitches about this crap im just gonna tell her to call the cops because everything on my truck is legal so she can shove it.

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Oh yeah and I got another window tint ticket for my truck so im gonna remove em because its just not worth the hassle. I love having tinted windows but im not gonna keep paying a ticket for em every month.

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hey im with ya ive got a bunch of bitchy neighbors too so today after i washed and waxed my truck i got under it and un bolted my exhaust right under the passenger side seat where the y pipes bolt to the pipe that goes back to the muffler so no muffler now its super loud and i started a new job so i get home between 10;30 and 1;00 in the morning so they can kiss my ass they got me a ticket because my kids were riding there toys in the street and there a bunch of old bastards.

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Well my neighbors are a young couple prolly mid to late 20's and have maybe a 3-4 year old boy which i understand about my truck prolly waking the lil man up at night but cmon be realistic i can quite as possible but im not touching my exhaust for them. i gonna leave the convo with em as is for now becuase we just moved in but if she says something to me again ill get into it. The thing is her husband loves my truck hes got a 03 silverado 5.3 nice dark grey with leather and everything and he loves the way my exhaust sounds and he hasnt said a damn thing about us parking in front of his house which i dont try to becuase i dont really care for people parking in front of our house either but i understand just as long as they dont leave it there all day long and i dont try to park directly in front of their house i try to park as close to our driveway as possible so im basically not really in front of their house but whatever. The neighbors across the street dont seem to mind our exhaust or us parking there every once in a while so we'll prolly just do that to avoid the aggravation. some people I swear

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well me and my wife are both 28 and we have a 8 month old little girl a 2 year old boy and a 5 year old boy and my exhaust does not wake them up so i think your neighbor is just a bitch like all of my neighbors but my neighbors are all over 50 that evidently dont like kids but me and my kids are not going anywhere i let my 5 year old ride his dirt bike today for 5 minutes just to let it run and as soon as we parked it the cops rshowed up so now im going to let him ride it everyday for about 5 minutes and park it and just lie if the cops show up my kids aint hurting anybody i just live around assholes


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It's probably her time of the month. Her poor husband...he has to live with her. :) Just do what you can. You won't make everybody happy all of the time.


I had a neighbor once that asked me not to park in front of their house. I tried not to most of the time, but once I did..can't remember why. Anyway, he turned the freakin' sprinkler on in his yard and adjusted it to water my car. I was pretty pissed off.



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Pull up to your house like its Talladega, rev the engine to redline a few times, get out, slam the door, take your shirt off, and stumble inside every time you come home :D Maybe fake a trip and fall to the ground, roll around for a few seconds, scream you have sea gulls attacking you, when theres clearly nothing around you, then run inside. She'll think your drinking and driving and complain about something else besides your exhaust.


Or tell her "Your voice is too loud, and its waking up my children" That'll make her happy...

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man i feel sorry for you guys with horrible neighbors... everyone around me loves my truck and watches over it when i am not around...


i would be careful pissing anyone off... a simple $20 bucks to some random neighborhood kid gets your car keyed for sure... something to think about.

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Yeah, just tell her your bitching is annoying you and call the cops on HER lol. Your doing nothing wrong so don't worry about it. Talk to her husband and tell him to put an exhaust system on! :thumbs:

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I had a couple around here like that. griped about my racecar being too loud.I dont start it or run it before or after dark due to its against the noise law here. on day at around like 10:30 in the morning i had been working on it getting ready for thr weekend. and a couple of cops showed up saying they had a complaint about noise. I said i could tell them from who and pointed at the house about half a block away. they were just doing a show up call about the call and told me as long as i was on my own property they couldnt do anything about it. and i could run and work on my car from dawn untill dusk. just not durung the late hours. so as they were leaving i pulled the car out of the garage and parked it in the front yard. and let it run with open headders.for about and hour or so.and havent had a complaint after that time. i dont like being that way. but some times you just have to stand your ground.rent or own you have rights also.

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I guess I'll be the minority here and say I agree with not parking in front of the neighbors house. Why can't you park in front of your own house? I have the same problem with a neighbor down the street. Of course they are renters and have more cars than they have parking. I'm adding 1200 Sq. Ft. to our home and the city tells me I need to add parking, but this guy has more cars than me and he doesn't? Does that make sense? I guess he can just litter the street with his junky ass rides! Their garage is located in an alley behind the house and the guy uses that for his "cabinet shop." Why should the rest of the neighborhood have to deal with parking problems because of his sorry ass shop? I believe it's just one of those unwritten rules of the neighborhood not to park in front of your neighbors house, common courtesy. Of course it's a public street, but wouldn't you think the owners of the home are "entitled" to park in front of their own home? Wouldn't you feel like you are entitled to park in front of your own home? I go out of my way to tell people who come over to not park in front of my neighbors houses. There is some parking across the street (corner house) and more in front of my house. If I expect ALOT of people to visit for a party or something, I always inform my neighbors about it and invite them as well. This is where I live and will be living for a very long time so there is no need to have drama in the hood. With the exception of that one neighbor, all of my neighbors are great.


I've had it out with that guys son who thinks he can park somewhere and take up two spaces. Sometimes that's what it takes since he doesn't park in front of my house anymore. :thumbs:

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The exhaust complaint from your neighbor is :icon_bs: BUT I do agree with the parking thing. I am very OCD about any body parking in front of my house that isnt ther to visit me. Its my house and that spot is there for my company and nobody elses sice I only have 1 driveeway and 2 cars there already. If someone tries to park there and I see them I go out and kindly ask them to move and if I am not there I eave them a note or tell the neighbor whom they are visiting because I recognize the car to inform them not to let them park in front of my house. PLus its kinda dangerous because I live on a busy street and people pakring infront of my neighbors house and the way the street is I have a hard time telling if its clear to back out of my driveway.

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I live in a cul-de-sac on the very end and have absolutely no parking in front of my house. It's either the driveway or in front of other neighbors' houses. I parked half way on the driveway and the street once and got a ticket. The cop said one of the neighbors complained. So sometimes I do park in front of the neighbors' houses because I have no choice. I know having a place to park in front of the house is nice, but to me for them it is a privelige to be able to do that. :fume:

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