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First $1100 plus shipping takes 'em.


4- Foose Speedster 20x9 wheels off of my 2007 Regency RST. These wheels have the Regency by FOOSE cap on them. I can get the standard FOOSE cap if you want it, for a little extra.


These wheels were on my truck for not even 1000 miles. They are in absolutely flawless shape. "NEW" condition.


No tires are included in this sale. Here's pics of them on my truck.






Close-up from Regency's site...








Email responses to [email protected] please!!!


First come, first serve basis


That is a clean set of rims. I like the way they dont have the fake 2pc simulators with the screw heads like the new speedsters. I know thats a good price but is that your lowest

That is a clean set of rims. I like the way they dont have the fake 2pc simulators with the screw heads like the new speedsters. I know thats a good price but is that your lowest



I emailed you what i'm willing to do, today!!


that is really good price for these rims i paid 1850 for mine and i got a discount from my buddy who is a manager at discount

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