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Hey all I got the 2 magnaflows on today. I took out the stock from muff back. I put in two magnaflows sittin vertically, thanks to holty for the idea, then two mandrel bent tailpipes and to finish it off is the magnaflow tips.



They exit both out in front of rear passenger tire. I think I am going to nuy some longer magnaflows, these ones are the 14inch ones and the noise out side is perfect but inside is a bit loud for my taste. I don't know maybe I will sell this set up to someone and just build another one with the bigger muffs.


I just tried to upload the clips but says i can't upload this kind of file.




Heres a pic atleast




do you have a photobucket account



No I don't



Posted (edited)

they look good, go to photobucket.com and get an account then load the pics from your comp. on to the site and simply copy and paste from there to here and you'll be good to go, any questions lemme know

Edited by Jond983 (see edit history)

if they are 2 loud inside you can quiet them down by adding a ballance pipe in front of the mufflers. just make 2 holes across from each other abot an inch or inch and half in size then just weld a pipe in between them. it dosent affect the sound outside but does quiet the cab down some. not as much reverb dont ask me how but it does work thats the way we did mine. and i love the sound.

if they are 2 loud inside you can quiet them down by adding a ballance pipe in front of the mufflers. just make 2 holes across from each other abot an inch or inch and half in size then just weld a pipe in between them. it dosent affect the sound outside but does quiet the cab down some. not as much reverb dont ask me how but it does work thats the way we did mine. and i love the sound.


x pipe will work wonders as well. im hoping to get a sound clip of my new magnaflow setup next week as well.

if they are 2 loud inside you can quiet them down by adding a ballance pipe in front of the mufflers. just make 2 holes across from each other abot an inch or inch and half in size then just weld a pipe in between them. it dosent affect the sound outside but does quiet the cab down some. not as much reverb dont ask me how but it does work thats the way we did mine. and i love the sound.



yea I was thinkin about addin that, thanks for the refresher of the idea..

if they are 2 loud inside you can quiet them down by adding a ballance pipe in front of the mufflers. just make 2 holes across from each other abot an inch or inch and half in size then just weld a pipe in between them. it dosent affect the sound outside but does quiet the cab down some. not as much reverb dont ask me how but it does work thats the way we did mine. and i love the sound.

Bout how much it cut off from interior? half?


not really sure we did it to my truck due to the fact my buddy had put the same set up on his without the cross over pipe and couldnt stand it and took everything back off the next morning he said he couldnt even hear his radio it was so bad he drove mine after he was done with it and said it made a really big difrance and he was redoing his this way.ill post the sound clip again of mine only difrance is mine are flowmaster 40's and replace the stock muffler mounted in the same way yours are.




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