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well in a couple of weeks i will be getting married in las vegas. may 19th to be exact. i dont think it has really set in yet because i am not really at the nervous or excited part yet. it should be a pretty good time we have about a 150 people confirmed to go so far which is a lot more than i expected because the wedding chapel only holds about 75. it should all work out though because everyone knows family and close friends get first dibs on being actually able to sit in on the wedding. i think most everyone else used my wedding as an excuse to go to vegas :cheers: . we ar having it at the Wynn . i have not been there yet because last time i was in vegas it was not quite finished but everyone tells me it is awesome. i will be able to feel like a baller for a couple days at least the wynn has a limo pick us up at the airport and takes us to get or marriage license so that should be cool i have never been in a limo before and for the first 3 nights we are there we get to stay in one of the penthouse suite supposed to be like 3000 sq ft :eek: . and then for the last 2 nights we are there we will be going over to stay at the bellagio.


nice man, congrats. im turnin 21 on may 20th, and me and all my buddies are goin to vegas on june 7th so im countin down the days too


vegas is awsome, some of the greatest times I've had, I just got back from there a couple of months ago. The Wynn is amazing. Congrats on the wedding. Have a great time and play some craps for me....


nice :cool:


I'm headed to Vegas this fall for Goat Ralley 2007 with my buddy in his '04 GTO, it should be fun. Rumor has it there's gonna be some Magazing coverage :D

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