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"worst accident it vegas history"


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if it were my family i would be pissed. i think that him just knowing what he did will kill him enough. we can only try to forgive. he didnt get drunk and go looking for somebody to crash into. it WAS an accident. it it horrble i know. a baby, and small children died. :shakehead: this is one of the reasons i dont drink. it just isnt worth. we all have drove home under the influence before. i thank god this wasnt a story about me. but i hope he can be forgiven and he can forgive himself. his life nor the family that he hurt lives will NEVER be the same. all you drinkers and drivers out there.. this could have easily been you. GOD BLESS THEM ALL.

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His cell needs to be wallpapered with the newspaper story of this incident, so he has to see it everyday. I could not imagine pulling babies out of that wreckage. Since I've become a father, stories of children being hurt affect me more.

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Very valid point, it seems the criminals have too many "rights" sometimes. A guy can point a gun in your face, take your wallet, hit you over the head, and run away...if you shoot him the back, you are a murderer by law because he already disengaged you, he has the right to his safety...hmmm. But also though, on the flip side of the arguement, capital punishment and stiffer laws for criminals are hampered by the fact that those laws can get applied to innocent people sometimes and since we live a society where you are technically innocent until proven guilty, its hard to take away your rights until you are proven guilty. Just both sides of the fence there. I for one believe that he should be sentenced to life in prison or the death penalty, but honestly, with drunks, its not always something they can help. You are asking/expecting someone who has an addiction to a drug (alcohol) and abuses it to make a rational decision. They are already irrational prior to drinking usually. Its not like it was his first time getting plowed I am sure. And while intoxicated, he makes impaired decisions to drive. I have a friend who is a severe alcoholic and crahed his car into a median, not hurting anyone but himself thank god. It was his 2nd dui. My point is that if there was a death penalty in place, I still feel he would have driven drunk and the accidents would still have happened. Why? Because the issue is deeper than the rational desire to commit a crime. The thoughts that go through a drunks mind and the decisions leading up to the tragedy/crime, are not the same as the thoughts/rationale that go throught he minds of say bank robbers or cold blood killers. The issue with DUI starts at a young age and goe smuch deeper, and I think that may also be why it is hard to execute someone for doing what they did while intoxicated. Kind of like we wouldnt execute someone for doing cocaine and hurting someone, the drug is taken into account.


I do agree with this concept ... and this particular situation presents 2 incidents ... DUI and manslaughter.


I have a buddy who's from Germany ... and they have a much different structure there than we have here, and the system, for the most part works well. The first time you are caught DUI, you lose your license, and you're thrown in the dunk tank. No matter the severity of the influence. (Meaning the level of intoxication).


If you're invloved in a high-speed pursuit, the law will stop the pursuit if there are innocent lives at risk. Radio is much faster (and safer) than 5 or 6 vehicles traveling at 120+ MPH.


I agree with both of these principles, and I wish that America would adopt them. I think it would make our roads much safer ... and who knows, maybe we could have an AutoBahn here in the US. :thumbs:

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I do agree with this concept ... and this particular situation presents 2 incidents ... DUI and manslaughter.


I have a buddy who's from Germany ... and they have a much different structure there than we have here, and the system, for the most part works well. The first time you are caught DUI, you lose your license, and you're thrown in the dunk tank. No matter the severity of the influence. (Meaning the level of intoxication).


If you're invloved in a high-speed pursuit, the law will stop the pursuit if there are innocent lives at risk. Radio is much faster (and safer) than 5 or 6 vehicles traveling at 120+ MPH.


I agree with both of these principles, and I wish that America would adopt them. I think it would make our roads much safer ... and who knows, maybe we could have an AutoBahn here in the US. :thumbs:

That would be great if they would do that here. It would probably cut down on driving incidents considerably, but, sadly, it'll probably never happen. We have too many liberal crybabies, and spineless lawmakers/politicians in this country to do anything that radical.
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Horrrific story and I hope he gets whats coming to him :nonod:


me too, and i think he will. ron WAS a pretty cool dude but just could not get his act together, and it ended up costing lives. the first day he started they put him on the serivce truck with me so i can show him off-site work and the specifics. never thought this would happen. he will pay for his negligence.

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whoever sold or supplied the alcohol could face some charges too.


I disagree with this. If we are going to take it that far and hold you responsible for controlling someone elses actions, we should just ban alcohol. Also, we should sue the car salesman and the dealership who sells the 18 year old a corvette or porsche and takes it out on the freeway up to 150mph and kills himself and/or others.

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Very valid point, it seems the criminals have too many "rights" sometimes. A guy can point a gun in your face, take your wallet, hit you over the head, and run away...if you shoot him the back, you are a murderer


yeah but you can shoot him in the legs until he turns around to see why you are shooting him.

ron white (blue collar comedy)



drinking and driving is very wrong. maybe he should have to write out a 10 dollar check to the families of his victims every day for the rest of his life as a reminder of what he did. that would be worse than sitting in a jail cell for life.

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I disagree with this. If we are going to take it that far and hold you responsible for controlling someone elses actions, we should just ban alcohol. Also, we should sue the car salesman and the dealership who sells the 18 year old a corvette or porsche and takes it out on the freeway up to 150mph and kills himself and/or others.


oh well, it is the law and it has been handled this way before. it won't be a murder charge, it will be a different charge.

Edited by wody (see edit history)
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