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Got pulled over


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Well early wednesday morning(2am-ish) I got pulled over for the first time ever. And it was a good one too. 24 over the limit. It was worth it though. And I know some of you all are going to tell me how stoopid I am but I figure I'm allowed to have one stupid moment in my life. Hell I went 24 years being fairly good.

Okay, here's how it went. After work we went to the Huddle House to get something to eat. As we were sittin there 6 police cars pulled in one right after the other. So we get done and go to leave and the cops r still sittin there eatin. We go get in our cars and go to the light to turn left and head home. Well the light turned green and I had a spontaneous moment. I tore outta there like a bat outta hell. My friend was behind me and she told me later that she could hear my truck screamin over her radio on full blast. Anyhow, as a tear out, I look over at the huddle house and see reverse lights from the cop cars. So I'm like, oh shit, and punched it to try and out run them. I'm almost to my road and my friend calls me and says turn off somewhere, cause there's two coming after ya. Almost made it, but one caught a glimpse of my taillights as I turned up my road. So he pulled me over in my neighborhood. When he walked up to the truck he said "Where ya headed in such a hurry?" I was thinkin...Well I was tryin to get away from u. But I said, Home. But anyhow, definently worth it. Cause it was fun as hell. Adrenaline, Yes! I was runnin from the cops and came sooo close to gettin away. Sorry stitches040, I know you won't appreciate this story very much.

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o well we all do stupid things sometimes. if you know the area make quick turns, unless the have the lights lit and can see you becuase thats like resisting orders of a police officer(or something like that). but i did something similar this week leaving work. was kinda in a good mood and all our freinds were out side so going up the hill to leave i punch it spining them all the way up. well a neighbor must have gotten mad becuase my boss called a few mins later and said there was a cop looking around the neighbor hood, lukly i jumped on the highway and got home. will never doo that again there.

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Good One! HA HA HA! :crackup: I can say I've ditched a few cops in my time before they could turn around and catch up to me. That was when I was younger though. It's the best when you know the neighborhood better than the cop does. :jester:

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I was runnin from the cops and came sooo close to gettin away. Sorry stitches040, I know you won't appreciate this story very much.

Not to worry Kim .... I these stories don't bother me too much. It's not like you are blaming everyone else for your actions. Hey ... Like you said, It was worth it. So like the saying goes .... "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!!"


Just keep it in the back of your mind though .... that Police Officer will remember your truck for the rest of his natural born life!!!!!! Hint Hint ... Wink Wink ... ;)


Be safe .... :thumbs:

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Well Kim - the way I see it, this is a good news/bad news deal; good news is that we can make your truck faster :driving: bad news is that you've probably got the only blue SSS in the county so they'll just look you up in the DMV computer and mail you the ticket :lol:


Mr. P. :)

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The thing I like about our trucks is that on my 2003 model, I can shut off all of my running lights with the light switch, can't see anything unless I hit the brakes. You might have gotten away if you had hit the brakes, turned the lights off, then turned, he might have flew right passed you. Trust me, it works, I've done it. I've even thought about rigging up a breaker switch for the brake lights. hopefully they will reduce it for you since you have such an impecable record. Good luck.

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The thing I like about our trucks is that on my 2003 model, I can shut off all of my running lights with the light switch, can't see anything unless I hit the brakes. You might have gotten away if you had hit the brakes, turned the lights off, then turned, he might have flew right passed you. Trust me, it works, I've done it. I've even thought about rigging up a breaker switch for the brake lights. hopefully they will reduce it for you since you have such an impecable record. Good luck.

yes that's a good idea, never thought of that

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I punch it all the time around the cops, but I always get away with it. As long as I keep it no more then 10 over, they leave me alone. Though, I give'em alot of DUI calls too :) since I work at the gas station at night. It's kinda scary when the Dispatcher asks you if you're the Blue SS guy. Also, don't run from them anyway. Just pull over, and admit you screwed up, and you usually can walk away scott free, or with reduced fines.

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