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Got Pulled Over But not for kim's reason's

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I was drivin down my street, it is 30mph for about a mile I was doin 30 and there was a car in front of me, the car turned onto a street so when it turned I saw a cop about 400ft in front of me, we came up to the light and there is 3 lanes then, left turn straight and right turn, the cop was turning left, I was turning right, and there was a car that was in the middle going straight, the light was red, I was sitting next to the cop for about 30seconds with the car in between... The light turned green and I turned left and there is rail road tracks right ahead with another light, I stopped before the tracks because it was red, All of a sudden I looked in the rear view and the cop turned left then and is right behind me... So i was like well whatever maybe he was going to the police station that was up the street... The light turned green and the Copper's Lights turned on right away... I was like WTF I didn't do anything... So I turned into a Payless parking lot... I turned the truck off and rolled down the window.... I got my license and registration out... He took about 2 mins to get out of his car and came up to me and said "is this your truck?" I said yes... The he went to the front of the truck looked around and then came back to my window. and said "What's up with tho's blue Driving lights on this SS??" I said they are blue LED Driving lights." He's like I saw your blue lights behind me on the road when you pulled up. tho's are illegal... Let me see your license and registration... I gave it to him... He went in his car for about 5 mins..... He came back and was like.. "You can only have clear and amber light's in the front and red and amber light's in the rear.... You need to take out the blue light's... I was like ok I will... And hes like when??? I said when I get home I will take them out... And he's like do you want me to give you a ticket and you can explain to the judge that you are acting like a cop with blue lights in front of your vehicle?? I said no I told you I will take them out... And hes like good They better be out within 24hrs... If I see you again with them in I will take you in... I said ok.. He gave me a warning and said to be careful and have a nice day... LOL It makes me laugh that they have nothing better to do than to pull me over for Blue LED Driving Lights! 3 days later I Bought some Super White LED's and changed them out....

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They would have ticketed you in NY. In NY blue lights are reserved for volunteer firefighters responding to emergencies, it is in the NYS traffic code. I see these ricers all of the time with blue LED washer nozzles on the hood, the cops love to stop them and break their chops.


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I had some what they call superwhite chrome bulbs that were basically blue and never got hassled but i just changed em out to the silverstar blue/amber bulbs and like the way they look and are 100% legal.

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