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Need help, opinions


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Well, some of you mayhave noticed, I haven't been on here much lately. One because my brother ****ed up my computer, but I finally got that fixed. And second cause I've been havin lots of problems with depression. I'm tired of shit and don't know if I can deal anymore. I've turned to the bottle and I hate myself for it. I've missed you guys alot. I see you all as brothers, sisters, and cool uncles. I don't want to name names incase I leave anyone out. But anyhow, I'm to the point where I need help. My friends try. I don't know, I'm just ****ed up right now. I don't know what to do. I'm tired of feelin this way.

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ya kim i know what your going thru. one of my best freinds is just like you, he is just given up preety much like doesnt even give a shit. weve tried to talk but that did no good. i would think of talking to a therapist, it helped me a while ago. said one thing to me and i never had to go back. just stay strong and dont do anything that you will regret. the bottle is not good. i come from a family of alcholics. luckly my dad has fought it and so have i. they looked at that for a problem solver but its a problem maker. this is like a family and i do consider you like another sister. we are here for you and if you need to talk to someone you can im me or even email me ill try my best to help you get through it

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Kim the first good thing is you seem to know you are having a problem i would comunicate to my friends and family and tell them what you are going through and you cant also call a help line most are free and might be able to offer you more support and put you in contact with councelors who deal with depression and stay away from the bottle it will only get you into trouble.Good luck Kim,and dont hesitate to post were all here for you.

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It is good that you are acknowledging you have a problem as kissfans03ss stated. Please put the bottle down it only makes things better while your drinking. You have family and friends who love you and you need to talk to them and if they won't listen talk to your physician. Just remember we are all friends on this forum and are here if you ever need people to talk to. Stay strong and I will be praying for you.

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Kim, PLEASE talk to someone. A trusted friend, clergyman, counselor, doctor or whoever. Understand that there is no shame in admitting you have a problem and need some help. We all do from time to time in our lives. Depression has so many causes that you may need somebody unbiased to listen to you and help you find out what is the cause in your case. It could even be a chemical imbalance. Whatever, you need to find out and then you can treat it appropriately.


Just the simple fact that you say your friends are trying to help shows that there are people that care about you. There's probably many many more that care that you don't even realize. I'm sure everyone on this site cares what happens to you. That's what makes us human. Caring about each other even if we don't really know each other closely.


I wish I had some great words of wisdom to snap you out of it, but I don't. Just know that people do care about you and that even though it may not look like it right now, things will get better for you. Try to focus on the good things that have happened to you in your life. Even better things are to come. Life can be very hard sometimes, but it can also be fantastic. Problems will always be there. You need to find constructive ways to deal with them. That's where a good therapist comes in. So, again, talk to someone. Even if it's just us on this site. We're not pros' but we all care and are willing to listen and try to help.


You will get better. Best of luck and keep us informed on how you're doing.

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Kim ... First of all .... There is nothing to be ashamed of here. I know you WILL get through this tough time.


Secondly ... Her is a Link ... Moorehead, KY for depression clinics. These people can help. Please call your local PD/Sheriff Dept., they will have some other phone numbers, where they can get you the assistance you need and fast.


It is tough to deal with depression, so getting the correct and best help early, is definetly a big part in the treatment.


Please try to curb your Alcohol intake. Alcohol is a depressant. All it will do, is bring you down more and more. Trust me, I am in a profession where alot of my friends/co-workers "Self Medicate" with the bottle. Once you start, it is had to stop, and the majority of the outcome is not pretty.


Your strong enough to make the right dicission, as you were strong enough to share this with us all. Please call someone soon, and get the help that you need. Please keep us informed ...


Shuan ....

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Your strong enough to make the right dicission, as you were strong enough to share this with us all. Please call someone soon, and get the help that you need. Please keep us informed ...


Shuan ....


My wife and I both suffer from depression, so I understand what your going through. As others have said, you're strong enough to share this with us, so you're strong enough to get help. You've made the biggest step. :thumbs: Most depression, from my personal reseach< is a chemical imbalance in the brain which is corrected with medication. There are probably as many depression medications out there as there are people, as each one works differently. What works for one wont for another. Talk with friends to get things off your chest, but please, SEEK PROFFESSIONAL HELP. Start with your family doctor, therapist, or someone, but whatever treatment regiment you decide to do, be honest about how you're feeling. It will help the doctor to make sure you're going in the right direction.

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