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Restyled my back window

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I had Virgil (Mean05) cut this vinyl for me, he is VERY REASONABLE dare I say CHEAP on the price so if you are DFW-local get a hold of him and see if he can help you out!


- Mr. P. :)

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Mr. P. I like you, but I think that just permanently solidified your position in the Hall of Fame of Geeks. Kind of like those engineers that walk around with the t-shirt "There are 10 types of people in this world...there are the ones who understand binary and the ones that don't." Geek alert...lol. Just giving youa hard time.


At least its better than a "Fear This" sticker you see on every other Ford.


What made you go with that?

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o thats good mr.p. are you going to keep it though? seems a little big. but no matter what im even a little scared to go on the computer up here in mass. you might know a few tricks and hack into my comp..lol.

:D You're safe - I wrote virus countermeasures. Except this one time... :devil:

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Mr. P. I like you, but I think that just permanently solidified your position in the Hall of Fame of Geeks. Kind of like those engineers that walk around with the t-shirt "There are 10 types of people in this world...there are the ones who understand binary and the ones that don't." Geek alert...lol. Just giving youa hard time.


At least its better than a "Fear This" sticker you see on every other Ford.


What made you go with that?


Hey! I had that T-shirt! ... WTF are you trying to say ... ??? :confused:

And ... I think it was "There are 2 types of people in this world... those that understand binary, and those that don't." ... If you're gonna quote a geek, at least do it right ... jeez ... :lol::jester:


P's back window is funny, though. McAffee has always been useless in my eyes ... caused more problems than it fixed ... I used to spend a lot of time removing it from our new systems and installing AVG or Norton ... :crazy:

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And ... I think it was "There are 2 types of people in this world... those that understand binary, and those that don't." ... If you're gonna quote a geek, at least do it right ... jeez ...


Ummm...yeah...ok...2? :crackup: No, I'm 100% positive the shirt says 1 0 because in binary lanugage, the number two is represented by 1 0. One is 0 1 and three is 1 1. Pretty sure I got it :thumbs:


And wtf am I trying to say? ;) :D Engineers are geeks. :cool: Hey, I would know, I used to be one. Went to school for it and ya know what? Thank god I'm no longer in it. Got out in 2002 and havent looked back.


All I'm trying to say is that Mr. P's love life won't improve by that sign. Maybe it doesnt need any improvement. But hey...you ask for opinions, you get them, and not all of them are the same. Personally, I wouldnt put anything like that on any of my vehicles. I would opt for something a little more patriotic if anything. 95% of the people out there wont understand what he is talking about. Put a bald eagle or flag on your truck and 95% will understand, the rest should be deported becaue they are probably here illegally anyways.

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Ummm...yeah...ok...2? :crackup: No, I'm 100% positive the shirt says 1 0 because in binary lanugage, the number two is represented by 1 0. One is 0 1 and three is 1 1. Pretty sure I got it :thumbs:


And wtf am I trying to say? ;) :D Engineers are geeks. :cool: Hey, I would know, I used to be one. Went to school for it and ya know what? Thank god I'm no longer in it. Got out in 2002 and havent looked back.


Maybe I got one of the knockoffs, or maybe my memory isn't what it used to be ... I thought your quote said "10" (ten), but you're right 1 0 would be 2. Sorry about that ... glad to know you used to be one of us ... traitor. :jester:

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