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Wrecked Exotics

SS Silv

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I was a passenger in this car. My friend lost control and we spin out and hit a tree backwards (among other things) going 90 mph. We hit so hard that my seat bent over backwards and I got thrown out of the rear window into the road, even though I was wearing my seatbelt. If that wasn't bad enough, while I was sliding on my back, the car was bouncing off of other trees and came back into the road and nearly ran me over. I am very lucky to be alive.



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no sh*t!


Here are a few more pictures, including a before picture of the car. My friend flew from Georgia to Oregon to get the 30K mile car. The car was perfect in every way with a few subtle mods (after het got ahold of it). If you look closely at each of the pictures you will see that the intake got craked and how the seat got bent/broke.




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