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Got in a wreck this morning.

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Coming to work this morning, and the triffic stopped on the hiway. I stopped, then looked in the rear view mirror just in time to see his front bumper nose dive then BAM. A Verizon Astrovan slammed into me. He hit me dead center, so the trailer hitch took the brunt of it, but it did shove the cover into the hitch. It cut the cover on the bottom, and Looks as if it bent the bar behind it. You can't really tell until you get right up on it, so I guess it could have been worse. Still just really pisses me off. :mad:


Anybody got a Bser roll pan they want to sell? :D

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Well glad you didn't get hurt man; yeah you need to call Bob and arrange Verizon to pick up the tab on one of his rollpans.


Mr. P.

Naa. I'll get them to pay for a new cover and bumper. That way I can buy the pan, and have a chunk of change left over. :D
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Glad you're not hurt. Was he tailgating you? I hate that. I got hit once like that and as a result, don't like people following too closely. :nonod:
I think he was on a cell phone. He got pretty close before I saw the front end dip.
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i feel your pain bro, TRUST ME. glad you are ok, dosn't sound like the damage is horribly bad. post up some pics!
I'll have to get some pics up later when I get home. I just had my cell phone, and I don't know how to transfer them.

It's definitely not near as bad as yours, Holty. How's it going with that, btw?

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