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Patriot player dies

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Just to confirm...he died b/c he was NOT wearing a life jacket (PFD).


Sucks...such a simple thing to do...one zipper and a couple buckles and this guy would be alive.


I have a waverunner (i.e. jetski), and they are looked at in a bad light b/c of these accidents - I have YET to see one where someone died after falling off when they were wearing a life vest - But I have seen article after article of "Man dies after jetski accident"...where the fact that wasn't wearing a vest was buried at the bottom of the article.


- Brian

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It sucks. The funny thing is that people dont even wear life vests when they are riding in a boat. My boat is so fast and low profile that even the smallest wave could eject someone. I wear my life jacket whenever I am darting accross the water, I take it off when I get to where I want to go. When you fish tournaments, they require you to be wearing a PFD whenever the engine is in gear...period. Alot of my friends say its no big deal and why should I wear it when its laying at your feet. I tell them that at 70mph, when they begin to fly out of the boat, they wont have time to gran it. The only thing that is going to save you is if you have it on. Its not like a cruise ship where if you hit a reef or take on water it will tak eminutes for the boat to sink. People dont realize a small craft can sink in seconds. I'd say 90% of the deaths on the water are because they were not wearing an approved pfd.

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