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here in vegas i have 5% (limo) and have had no problems or heard of anyone getting a ticket for it. my buddy in california also has 5% and has gotten two fix-it tickets (no fine) but he hasn't taken it off. all depends on the cop and the type of day he/she is having.

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In Texas its 35% on the fron 2 windows as dark as you want on the back ones. As to what happens if you get stopped varies. I have only been stopped years ago for it and they gave me a ticket and told me if I removed it the ticket would be dropped but the ticket was cheaper than tint so I left it alone. Others have said the cop got out a razor blade and cut a big X in the tint and made you remove it. So I guess it just depends that is why I have 20% on the front 2 so it is dark but not dark to the point to draw alot of attention.

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nice :)


I have 20% all around..its not to dark during the day and dark enough at night...just roll all your windows down when you get pulled over...I have not heard of anybody getting pulled over just because of tint...its when they can't see inside when they pull you over when alarms go off.

Edited by Prestoar (see edit history)
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the law in tx is 35 on the front 2 but screw it mine is 5 all the way if you get caught the ticket is like 200 dollars if you keep the tint or i think you can scrape it and getr it dismissed dont get any glare on the tv with dark ass windows



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no tint is legal here in pa. my wife just got pulled over for it 107.00 fine. pennsylvania sucks!



Are you sure? I have 20% on my doors and have rolled through inspection every time (private garage and dealers). I even walked through a surprise roadside inspection where several cars were flagged down for excessive tint.


Check out the link desrtrat posted. As long as you are not doing like 5% I think you will be fine. :dunno:

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here in Iowa it is illegal to have anything on your windows. My SS has 20% all around, but lemme tell you a story or 2. I have a Dr. note which allows me to have 35%. it has saved me over 6 times in the last year, BUT some cops still know I am too dark. I have gotten 2 tickets cause of it, they are 95 bucks here in Iowa now.


before I had this Dr.Note I was pulled over by a State boy and he took my info, bout 45 mins went by and here comes a flatbed to take my truck away cause it was unsafe to drive according to this ass. so I asked him how i could get it back and he said I just needed to take the windshield tint off, so right then and there I tore it off. he let me go, but NOT before I payed the 100$ tow bill i didnt use.


then about 9 months later, after i had the dr note, he pulled my wife over right as she pulled in to bring me lunch and proceeded to hassle her, but once I showed him the note, he still wrote the ticket. it was fun watching him stumble tho over his words when he told me the windshield was still illegal and then I showed him the law where it wasnt with a dr. permission....


so be prepared, yes it looks great on any vehicle, but it can get costly. as for my car, 5% ALL around, including the winshield and I cant see SHIT at night. I'm bout to tear it off.

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