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I'm back.......


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Well guys, I just got home from the hospital a couple of hours ago after about a week stay. Let's just say I was on the edge, a couple of friends knew it, they knew where I was, they came and got me, and took me to the ER. Thank gosh for awesome friends. I'm doing better. Not completely, but better. I start seeing a therapist on wednesday. They've got me on a depression medicine and a mood stabilizer. According to the doctor I was seeing at the hospital, I was in a very deep depression. I am worried about slipping back into it. But as one of my friends said...if I do, I have enough sense to me now, that I know when to seek professional help. Thank you to all that was trying to help me get through. :seeya: You know who you guys are. :smash:

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Kim,glad to hear youre doing better and finally getting help you need,sorry you had to hit bottom but look at it this way you can only go up from here and remember what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.You will get through this and be a better,stronger person for it,hang in there and feel free to post if you need help the guys and i are all here to help.

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Kim, you just made my day. :excl: Lots of us have been worried about you. Glad to hear you've gotten some help and are doing better.

:withstupid: good to have you back. as hard as your situation is, its even harder to come to realization and especially post it. :flag: i solute you (just imagine the flad says kim lol) anyways, its nice to see your kitty again :D

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