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I've had my mac powerbook g4 17" for a few years now, and I love it. Runs just a quick as the day I got, has a gorgeous user friendly interface, and does everything imaginable as far as graphics and video editing goes (which is what I use it for).



Machine Model: PowerBook G4 17"

CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1)

Number Of CPUs: 1

CPU Speed: 1.5 GHz

L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB

Memory: 512 MB

Bus Speed: 167 MHz


It has an 80gig HD, which is all I really need. It doesn't run nearly as many applications as windows does (duh), but I don't need it to. And it's true, I've never got (or even heard of anyone getting) a virus on one of these, and I have no pop-ups or spyware to worry about. I'm actually thinking about buying a new one pretty soon, to get some more processor power and the new Mac OS...

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i have a powerbook g4 15" and i just bought a new black macbook 13" on wednesday. i love the way they run. easy to use, very organized and no desktop clutter. very easy to repair/ upgrade too. i just upgraded my hard drive on my g4 to a 160GB and will be upgrading the memory on both laptops very soon. i say go for it, you can run parallels so you can run windows in a seperate window on your mac.

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With Mac's gaining popularity, I doubt they will be "virus free" for long. The reason for all the virus/malware on PC's is because it causes the most damage, put a virus on a PC and a company loses big money .... put a virus on a mac and the teachers won't be able to play soliatre anymore :)

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:withstupid: I agree with Big O, the reason windows have more viriuses is because windows is a better target, one virus reaches a much larger birth. The success and problem with windows is the same, they are everywhere. Mac supposedly says that because since everything is done in "house" its better, thats an alright argument but as far as I can see unless you edit etc most people buy Macs because they are stylish and "pretty"




"As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it."


Are you freaking serious!?

How arrogant can a company be?

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"As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it."


Are you freaking serious!?

How arrogant can a company be?

That is exactly what I told the Apple tech rep when I plugged in my 80gig Ipod and Spyware Doctor lit up. The played dumb and then called me back saying MS should have made their puters immune to these viruses. Never once did they admit responsibility. Problem is, now I'm gonna get an IPhone. :yellow_loser:

Edited by shreveportSS (see edit history)
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i have a new macbookpro 17" - it has 2gb of ram, 2.4ghz core duo, 160gb hdd... it works great, awesome battery life... big screen - a little big on airplanes, but it is great.


i would recommend getting apple care for $350 for an extra three years... if ANYTHING goes bad, they fix it 100%



just wish HP tuners made a compatible version for mac... and i would rather not run bootcamp...



i have a desktop with vista ultimate... like that OS too...

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i have a new macbookpro 17" - it has 2gb of ram, 2.4ghz core duo, 160gb hdd... it works great, awesome battery life... big screen - a little big on airplanes, but it is great.


i would recommend getting apple care for $350 for an extra three years... if ANYTHING goes bad, they fix it 100%

just wish HP tuners made a compatible version for mac... and i would rather not run bootcamp...

i have a desktop with vista ultimate... like that OS too...


i bought the black macbook 13" just for travel. im going to iowa in two weeks. plus the black will match the truck, i want to buy that parallels program so that i can run hptuners on it. with bootcamp you have to restart and then run windows but with parallels you can run windows in a window and still have OS X up. that 17" is huge i like my other 15" powerbook just perfect.

Edited by WODY (see edit history)
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i bought the black macbook 13" just for travel. im going to iowa in two weeks. plus the black will match the truck, i want to buy that parallels program so that i can run hptuners on it. with bootcamp you have to restart and then run windows but with parallels you can run windows in a window and still have OS X up. that 17" is huge i like my other 15" powerbook just perfect.

i will have it with me on sunday when i come to vegas... you can check it out duuude....

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