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alright so i found out the details. he strangled his wife friday night. then his son saturday morning. then hung himself late saturday/early sunday. i dont know how many of you have taken a criminology class or know anything about the subject but they teach you a lot about these things. the situation that probably happened was that he got into a heated argument with his wife, it got way to escalated and he killed her. he stayed up all night worrying and thinking about, started thinking about his kid and realized he would be arrested and didnt want his kid to be in foster homes and/or to have to go through the whole trama of living with the fact his dad killed his mom so he strangled the child too. then eventually he realized everything he had done and killed himself. they said the mother and son were found in seperate rooms. chris apparently placed bibles next to each one. they found anabolic steriods in the house, and are still looking for other substances. the whole situation is so sad. sad is such an understatement too. i was in just speechless when i heard the news.

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So the WWE gave a 3 hour memorial to a psyco that killed his 7 year old child. :nonod::shakehead: Way to go Vince. :banghead:

The news story that I read this morning had a response from the WWE to the report that steroids and other drugs were found in the house. The WWE said that reporting that was "sensationalism". Isn't that what the WWE specializes in? :shakehead:

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apparantly they thought there son was undersized and have been injecting him with growth hormone :shakehead: details are gettin crazy.

I just read a related story about the recent deaths of others involved with wrestling. The most surprising was "Miss Elizabeth". I had no idea. :shakehead:





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I just read a related story about the recent deaths of others involved with wrestling. The most surprising was "Miss Elizabeth". I had no idea. :shakehead:






I never knew so many of them had died. I thought some just retired. what ever happen to "The warrior" or whatever his name was? I thought he died also?

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What a damn loser. I don't care if he was on drugs or not hes a F$#^ mudderer and thats all there is. If for some stupid ass reason you feel the need to kill your wife and kid you lose all the good you ever had in your life. Not sure if there was anygood with this guy but you get my point. Anyways hope he enjoys hell cause thats where you go if you kill like that for no reason at all. :banghead:

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Kimberly is DDP's wife. 180px-Kimberly_Page_920.jpg


o yea..thx!!! I was about to go thru my collection and compare the pics from the magazine and the news page. Come to think of it..I might go thru my collection anyway!!!

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