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putting my dog down tonight


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the vet is headed to my house in a little bit to put my 11 year old english bulldog down. she has cancer in both her back legs and throughout her body. we've been putting it off for over 6 months because she's still able to mildly function with her pain medication.. but, tonight we decided to go through with it. it's definitely one of the tougher choices in life i've had to deal with. :sigh:

Edited by xlr82sxs (see edit history)
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the vet is headed to my house in a little bit to put my 12 year old english bulldog down. she has cancer in both her back legs and throughout her body. we've been putting it off for over 6 months because she's still able to mildly function with her pain medication.. but, tonight we decided to go through with it. it's definitely one of the tougher choices in life i've had to deal with. :sigh:

My heart goes out to you. That is one of the toughest things to decide on, but sound like you are making the right choice. Def. not a easy thing to do/deal with.

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Brad,I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your dog but it sounds like you did the right thing as hard s it must have been,its better to let your friend go now at home rather than being selfish and let your dog live in pain.Sorry for your loss again and time heals all wounds be strong brother.

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as you know , we lost our 17 year old shih tzu, jingles in december of 2006.. i know all too well how hard it is to put them down.. or have them pass in your arms, as Jingles did with me.

lately ive been considering getting another shih tzu.. but having trouble finding a breeder, or shop, or what have you that i can trust the puppies to be decent animals..

my prayers will be with you and your family over this.

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So Sorry to hear about your loss. It is never easy to lose a pet, because most are never pets, they are just extensions of your family!!! Deepest sympathy for you and your family.


We had to put our dog MOLLY down almost two years ago ... It was one of the toughest things we had to do.

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