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Goin the Distance... Can I do it?!


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not what some of you might think, but on July 11th it will be one year sober from beer/alcohol for me!! maybe not a big deal for some, and i was far from dependant on it, i was NOT an alcoholic, i just loved my Bud Light. But one day a friend asked me what it took me to get drunk, i couldnt answer her. was it 7,8,9 beers? I didnt know. so I said thats enough. I didnt do it every night, just on weekends and with friends. So in 2 days it will be a year!! do I crave a beer? sure, but I know I can live without it, will I drink again? sure, but not right now. I dont need a OWI and I have kids so I dont want them seeing it either. there is beer in my fridge from last OCTOBER that a friend left there. it will be here when he comes back too.


just thought I would share a milestone with you all! for some of you thinking about it, I say try it, yes its hard, but when you can control it. Its worth it. my mom almost crapped herself when I told her!!


so heres to all you other sober boys! :cheers: hang in there, I am with you!!!!

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Congratulations man...thats awesome quiting something like that can be tough until you know your ready and IMO thats the key to success. I quit smoking over 5 years ago cold turkey because I looked at my pack of cigs and decided i just dont want to do it anymore and have never done it sense. Way to go. There is nothing wwarong with having a good time sober I dont drink either. Its just not worth it to me. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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congratulations man.. :thumbs:


it'll be 3 weeks tomorrow in which i haven't lit up a cigarette. i've been trying to quit for over a year and it finally happened.

must have been frustrating on that drive from Texas to Wisconsin! I've never smoked, but I can imagine it would be.

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must have been frustrating on that drive from Texas to Wisconsin! I've never smoked, but I can imagine it would be.

oh, that was before i quit. i didn't smoke as much as i thought i would though on the way here.. i actually quit a few days after i got settled. non of my family, friends or roomates smoke, so it made it a load easier.

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Congrats man, that's great I sometimes think that I drink too much and when I drink I smoke cigs so neither of those are good. One of the big things that makes me want to stop all the stupid s##t is the money that I save. I only smoke when I drink and I only drink Jack so it gets expensive....... Ah just thinking out loud CONGRATS AGAIN that's awsome keep it up..... Just think when your kids get older you can use all that money you saved to get your kids an SSS..... :chevy:



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